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Android application development

After this course you will be able to do your own Android application development to publish application on the Google Android market or on your custom Android embedded board.

We look at the Android Architecture. Through theory and exercises we cover all major parts of the API and run applications with interface and in background. In an interactive manner, you will be able to get direct feedback.

At the end of this course, you will be ready to work on Android projects.




Publieke opleidingskalender

Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.

Intended for

Android application developers.


Programming experience in Java (see Java programming) is absolutely required. Computer experience with Windows and/or Linux system.

Main topics

  • Android Overview
  • Installing Android SDK and Hello Android
  • Android Application Model
  • Bigger Helloworld Application
  • Android Interface Library, Views, Widgets, relationship, dynamic layouts, events and event listeners
  • Static XML layouts, custom Views, Options and Context Menu's, Adapters, Http, Dialogs and notifications
  • Application Data, SQLite Database, manage db connections, Cursors and CursorAdapters
  • GPS recording, Google Maps Overlays, Camera and SD Card access, Activities
  • ContentProviders, Services and Intents, Notification Bar
  • BroadcastReceivers, Background thread
  • SMS, register sensors, motion detection
  • Q&A

Training method

In a 50 to 60% lab-time approach, you will get direct hands-on experience, how to avoid pitfalls and get up and running quickly. For this course, all participants will receive an Android based device so they can continue their projects after the course.

Intensive course - high pace!


3 days.

Course leader

Linux Belgium.