System modeling with SysML
This 4-days course System Modeling with SysML aims to provide a basic working knowledge of the various modeling techniques offered in the SysML. The approach is case-based, so that participants will be able to appreciate how these techniques can be applied in practice.
Participants will learn:
- The general approach to model based system engineering with SysML.
- The various modeling techniques in the SysML.
- To capture functional requirements using use cases.
- To model dependencies between functional as well as non-functional requirements.
- To make models of system structure using block diagrams with parts and ports.
- To model physical as well as logical constraints and studying trade-offs.
- To distribute the functionality described by the use cases over the system parts.
- To describe behavior using state machine diagrams.
- To described behavior using activity diagrams.
- To address allocation of behavior, e.g. to software or hardware parts.
- Some heuristics and evaluation techniques to obtain high quality models.
Publieke opleidingskalender
Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.
Intended for
System analysts, System architects, System engineers, Software architects and engineers who want to move into system-level engineering and managers who are responsible for the delivery of software intensive systems
The participants will need to have working knowledge of UML and an initial understanding of generic system engineering processes.
Main topics
This course consists of four blocks of one day:
- Day 1:
- SysML approach and overview.
- Capturing functional requirements using use cases
- Requirements modeling in SysML
- System hierarchy and interconnection: Block diagrams
- Case Study
- Day 2:
- System hierarchy and interconnection: Internal Block diagrams
- Structuring a SysML model (packaging)
- System behavior analysis: Use Case analysis and Sequence diagrams
- Case Study
- Day 3:
- System functional behavior: Activity diagrams
- System state-based behavior: State Machine diagrams
- Case Study
- Day 4:
- System design constraints: Parametric diagrams
- Trade studies on non-functional constraints (performance, reliability etc.)
- Integrating SysML into a development environment
- Case study
Training method
Lectures, small exercises and workshop.
During every half day session, the lectures will be followed by small exercises to practice. The workshop aims at providing a good understanding of the relationships between the various steps in the process. A case study of a system to be modeled by participants aims at providing a good understanding of the relationships between the various models as well as a feeling for heuristics to obtain an effective system description.
4 days.
Course leader
Mithun Training & Consulting.