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Advanced automated API testing - cURL, Postman & Python requests

This training helps you become a test automation engineer.

In our current interconnected world, systems are no longer monolithic. Modern service oriented application (SOA) architecture requires integration of pre-built sub-systems through microservices as part of solution building. As a modern tester, you need basic and automated application programming interface (API) testing knowledge and practice as part of your testing toolset.

After establishing the theoretical API basics, the course will immediately become hands-on to learn how to interact with APIs through cURL. Using the GUI of the popular and widely used Postman application, you will learn firsthand how to build more complex requests easily. These requests can then be used as a basis for more advanced test scripts using Python's request library.

You will take test scripting to a more advanced level by using the Behave framework, a Cucumber implementation in Python. The use of the widely spread Python programming language will give you full control over your tests, Behave makes managing them child's play.

During the course we are not only focusing purely on technical implementation but also on common and best practices on how to set-up your API test framework. Various exercises based on real-life examples will help you better understand the concepts and bring them into practice.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • have insight how modern API's are built;
  • have a good understanding of HTTP protocol;
  • access API's using cURL and Postman;
  • create test scripts using Python;
  • have practical experience setting up a framework based on Behave.




Publieke opleidingskalender

Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.

Intended for

  • Testers with the ambition to start as a test automation engineer
  • Technical persons having a first experience and wanting to start testing API's.


Main topics

  • Introduction
  • API Basics
  • Translate Postman calls into Python code and write basic scripts
  • HTTP methods basics
  • Postman basics
  • Behave framework
  • set-up
  • step creation
  • scripts using cucumber
  • validation
  • options for reporting
  • Interactive labs

Training method

Real-time & real-project examples combined with exercises, you will learn firsthand how to understand the concept and bring it into practice.

This training can be organised as an instructor-led classroom training or in a virtual classroom, via livestream.


2 days.

Course leader