Developing Java applications with Eclipse
Initially the Eclipse platform was designed as universal platform for the construction of IDEs. It is the basis for a 'full-function' environment for the development of Java applications. A number of commercial development tools, like e.g. IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD), are based on Eclipse.
At the end of this course:
- the participant will have an insight in the possibilities of Eclipse as IDE for the development of applications;
- the participant will be familiar with the Java Development Tools (JDT) of Eclipse:
- the different perspectives, views and editors;
- the basis of Java development.
For a detailed discussion about the development of applications with RAD see course Rational Application Developer (RAD).
Public training calendar
No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.
Intended for
Java application developers.
Familiarity with Java SE APIs. Thorough knowledge of the object oriented principles in Java (see courses OO concepts and techniques and Java programming).
Main topics
- Eclipse as an integrated development environment:
- overview of Eclipse
- introduction to the different Java development tools (JDT)
- navigation in the workbench • perspectives • views • editors
- debugging • incremental compilation • import and export of coding
- team working with CVS
- Java development:
- use of different Java perspectives and editors
- code and content assist
- testing and debugging of Java applications
- visual editor
- testing with JUnit
Training method
Classroom instruction with a lot of demonstrations and practical examples.
1 day.
Course leader
Sandy Schillebeeckx.