Db2 11 for z/OS: changes and new features

This single-day course introduces and discusses the changes and new features of Db2 11 for z/OS. It provides a technical overview, and discusses areas of potential advantage for the new features, as well as potential problems with new features.

On successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:

  • describe the new features and facilities introduced with Db2 11
  • know the migration possibilities
  • identify the changes to SQL, commands, utilities and infrastructure relevant to their own organisation
  • identify the new features that would particularly benefit their own installation.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

This course is designed for systems and database administrators, application developers and designers, and all other Db2 users needing an introduction to the new release and what it offers.


A working knowledge of Db2 for z/OS.

Main topics

  • New SQL Possibilities

DROP COLUMN; native (SQL PL) stored procedure enhancements; array data types; global session variables; blank insignificant LIKE predicates; aliases for sequence objects; GROUP BY grouping sets; the MEDIAN aggregate function; transparent archiving; autonomous stored procedures; Temporal table enhancements.

  • Performance Enhancements

Improved query rewrite; improved access path reuse; predicate selectivity overrides; optimizer feedback on missing statistics; CPU reduction for large partitioned tables; enhancements for distributed applications; bufferpool and GBP enhancements; miscellaneous performance improvements.

  • Availability Enhancements

Online schema changes; altering MQT partition limit keys; REBIND/DDL break-in threads; automatic recovery of indexes; faster recovery of catalog & directory; logging of previous compression dictionaries; point-in-time recovery after an ALTER TABLESPACE.

  • Infrastructural Changes

Sparse indexes; automatic cleanup of indexes; extended RBA and LRSN log address format; free space management for updates; not logged global temporary tables; SQL access to the directory.
New and revised catalog tables; changes to the EXPLAIN tables

  • Security Enhancements

Plan level application authorization; new auditing possibilities for temporal tables; column masking improvements.

  • XML Enhancements

XQuery, and FLWOR expressions; automatic document node creation; predicate pushdown with XPath expressions; XSLTRANSFORM.

  • Command and Utility Changes

Performance enhancements for LOAD and REORG; governing parallel processing of utilities; specifying REORG mapping tables; using statistics profiles; consequences of 10-byte RBA and LSRN format; data validation with DSN1COPY and REPAIR; new and modified BIND PACKAGE options; new DISPLAY UTIL layout.

  • Migration Considerations

Simplified installation and migration panels; setting application compatibility V10R1.

Training method

Instructor-led training.


1 day.

Course leader

Peter Vanroose.