Db2 LUW DBA Basics Workshop
Learn the basic Db2 DBA skills in 6 afternoon sessions at ABIS.
Klaas Brant is the founder of KBCE, a company known for DB2 Training like the Db2 Symposium and Db2 Master Classes. Klaas has been working with Db2 LUW for more than 25 years now with a focus on DBA, backup and recovery, and Performance. Klaas is one of the IBM Db2 Gold consultants (consultants selected by IBM known for their expertise), an IBM Analytics Champion (awarded lifetime), and a member of the Db2 Customer Advisory Counsel.
In 6 afternoon sessions, every student will learn the basic DBA skills:
- creating tablespaces and tables
- doing backups/restores and database reorgs
- and much more.
Each afternoon (approx. 3+ hours) will discuss DBA topics in a live session on Microsoft Teams.
Schedule a training?
Your trainer is Klaas Brant and the language is English.
- pdf of all slides,
- pdf of exercises
- separate .txt file with commands / SQL from training
We have a video of each live session available soon after the live session. The recordings of the April 2024 session are available until June 1st, 2024. The same applies to the exercise environment.
Public training calendar
No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.
Intended for
This is the perfect course for anybody who needs Db2 DBA skills in their day-to-day job like junior DBAs, Developers responsible for a Db2 environment, DevOps team members, and System Administrators.
Some basic IT knowledge. No database knowledge is needed, although a basic understanding of the relational concept (data in tables) and basic SQL knowledge is useful. Students need an SSH client (e.g., PUTTY) on their PC to complete the exercises. The exercises can be done on the provided Db2 environment (internet access needed) or on your own Db2 environment.
Main topics
- Unit 1: The DB2 environment
- DB2 fundamentals
- DB2 Platforms and versions
- Accessing DB2 – different clients
- Using the command line processor
- Other (GUI) tools
- Unit 2: Instances, databases and applications
- Instance and Databases
- Config(s) and Registry
- Applications (list and terminate)
- Unit 3: Storages Groups and Tablespaces
- Storage groups and file systems/mounts
- Tablespaces / Containers / Pages
- Design considerations
- Create tablespaces command
- Tablespace status
- Unit 4: Creating database tables, views, and indexes
- DB2 Catalog
- Columns / Datatypes
- Primary and Foreign Key Constraints
- Other Constraints
- Views
- Indexes / Clustering
- Object hierarchy / Cascading drops
- Using DB2Look
- Unit 5: Moving data in and out
- Import / Export
- Load utility
- Load phases
- Discarded data
- Online Load
- Backup
- Set integrity
- Import / Export
- Unit 6: Logging
- What is logged and why
- Crash recovery
- Circular logging / Secondary logs / Log sizes
- Archival logging
- Switching from Circular to Archival logging
- Archive process / Forcing log archive
- Unit 7: Backup and Recovery
- What is a backup
- Online vs Offline backup
- Types of backup
- Backup naming/destinations
- Restore
- Rollforward
- Recover command
- Introduction HADR
- Unit 8: Reorganizing data
- Why data must be reorganized
- Online vs Offline reorg
- Monitoring REORG
- Unit 9: Locking and Concurrency
- What can be locked and why
- Timeouts
- Isolation levels
- Lock Escalation
- Deadlocks
- Unit 10: Security Basics
- Authentication vs Authorization
- Privileges
- Roles
- Unit 11: RUNSTATS / Optimizer
- Optimizing SQL / Package Cache
- Using Explain
- Unit 12: Problem determination
- Using MON_GET
Training method
This course has a practical approach and teaches what is needed (no marketing hype).
With each session, each student gets several assignments that they must complete in their own time. Each assignment will take approx. 2-3 hours to complete. A DB2 on Linux environment is provided during, and four weeks after the training. You can also use your own in-house test environment (files and setup instructions are provided, on request). No special Linux knowledge is needed, and all exercises apply to any platform db2 runs on. You will need an SSH client on your pc. This course is up to date with the latest DB2 releases.
At the end of the course session, the participant receives a 'Certificate of Completion'.
6 afternoon sessions
Course leader
Klaas Brant, KBCE