Travel Info ABIS Woerden

ABIS Training & Consulting - Zaagmolenlaan 4 - 3447 GS Woerden - tel. +31 348-413663
By train:
- In the Woerden railway station, take the exit 'Zuidzijde', direction 'St. Antonius' hospital. It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the ABIS building.
By bike:
- You can use the bicycle parking behind the ABIS building.
By car:
- Take the A12 Utrecht - Rotterdam - Den Haag road to the Woerden exit and turn right (Europabaan).
- Follow the Europabaan until you can turn left at the traffic lights, direction "Middelland" (Wulverhorstbaan).
- Follow the Wulverhorstbaan turn right before the traffic lights (Polanerbaan).
- Follow the Polanerbaan and take the first street on the left after the roundabout. (Zaagmolenlaan).
- Our building is in the Zaagmolenlaan, on the corner of the first street on your right, just in front of the parking place of the 'St. Antonius' hospital. Please keep in mind that parking places for visitors are limited; if they are taken, please park your car on the street.
- We are situated on the ground floor, section A.