Practical information
ABIS has fully equipped classrooms in Belgium (see Travel Info ABIS Leuven) and the Netherlands (see Travel Info ABIS Woerden).
In the UK, the classrooms of RSM (partner of ABIS) are situated in High Wycombe, near London.
Course times
In general courses start at 9:00 and run until about 16:30-17:00 , with a one-hour lunch break and 2 short coffee breaks.
The language is indicated on the calendar and on the website. For sessions without a language code, the language will depend on the participants; if they have different mother tongues, the session will be held in English.
Lunch and refreshments
Lunch, snacks, coffiee, tea, water and soft drinks are included. If you have specific dietary requests, please let us know in advance.
Course documents
Course documentation (on paper or in digital form) is included. ABIS holds the copyright and reproduction rights of its course documents.
To register, you can use the on-line registration procedure on this website: go to the course description and click on the dates of the session you want to register on. If you are a registered MyABIS user, all company and invoice data will already be filled in. You can combine enrolments for multiple courses and multiple participants in one registration.
You will always receive a booking confirmation with further practical information.
All provided information will be handled confidentially by ABIS according to the applicable legislation and our privacy guidelines (see Privacy Policy).
Early bird guarantee
If you register 3 or more participants at least 2 months before the course date, we guarantee that the course will run. This guarantee does not apply to courses organised by partners of ABIS.
Course Fees
Course fees are to be found on our website.
Reductions apply for group registrations on public courses (not on courses by partners of ABIS):
- 3rd and 4th participant: 10%,
- 5th and 6th participant: 15%.
When your company registers several students for several courses on 1 purchase order, volume discounts apply.
We will be happy to make a proposal for on-site training.
All published fees are shown exclusive of VAT.
In the Netherlands, ABIS is registered in the 'Centraal Register Kort BeroepsOnderwijs (CRKBO)'. Invoices by ABIS in the Netherlands are free of VAT.

Rescheduling and Cancellation
Due to special circumstances or insufficient enrolments (less than 4), ABIS may cancel or reschedule any confirmed course by notifying the customer up till 5 working days prior to the course start date.
If there are too many registrations for a scheduled course, the last enrolments will be transferred to a later date.
The customer may cancel or change an enrolment up to 10 clear working days before its scheduled start date. If the customer cancels or reschedules an enrolment less than 10 clear working days before its scheduled start date or fails to attend, the customer will be charged the full course fee.
Registrations between 10 and 5 working days before the scheduled start date of a course can be cancelled without cost by the customer until 1 day after registration.
Registrations less than 5 working days before the scheduled start date of a course will always be charged the full course fee in case of cancellation by the customer.
Delegate substitution is always allowed provided notice is given to ABIS prior to the start date of the course.
For all registrations, you will receive an invoice after the start of the course. Invoices are to be paid within 2 weeks.
Terms and conditions
For ABIS, quality is of great importance. This is reflected in all its (also supporting) business processes: a careful and punctual administrative processing of registrations, a quick and adequate response to questions from customers, and a flexible offer based on the question asked.
If our offer does not meet the expectations of the customer, the customer can file a complaint. More info: Complaints - Complaint handling.