MVS and z/OS overview
The Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) operating system is well known as the IBM flagship of operating systems. It was first included in the OS/390 family, and actually it is part of the z/OS product.
During this course, participants:
- get an insight in the meaning of MVS as operating system;
- understand the basic concepts of z/OS and its subsystems;
- learn to interpret the MVS features in the context of z/OS;
- become familiar with the z/OS environment;
- get an insight in the evolution of MVS to z/OS.
Public training calendar
No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.
Intended for
Every future user of z/OS.
No specific background is required.
Main topics
- Hardware:
CPU • storage • channel subsystem • peripheral devices • network • multi-processing • LPAR • sysplex
- Concept of MVS:
virtual and real storage • paging • address spaces • system initialisation (IPL)
Evolution of MVS to z/OS
- Task management • storage management • resource and workload management
- Data management:
access methods • data organisation • the catalog • storage management subsystem (SMS)
- JES and job management
- Recovery and monitoring
- z/OS subsystems:
user interaction (TSO and ISPF, UNIX shell) • security (RACF) • data communication monitors • database management systems • SDSF • Web based access (HTTP, WebSphere Application Server, MQ) • ...
Training method
1 day.
Course leader
Koen De Backer.