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Internet development

You can enrol by clicking on a date.
Click on a course title for more information.
Developing web applications with HTML, JavaScript and Angular:
Developing web applications with HTML, JavaScript and Angular 7d Leuven 23
7d web based 23
Developing web applications with HTML, JavaScript and JQuery:
Developing web applications with HTML, JavaScript and JQuery 7d   Contact ABIS
HTML and CSS 2d Leuven 23
2d web based 23
JavaScript programming:
JavaScript programming 3d Leuven 19
3d web based 19
jQuery 2d   Contact ABIS
Angular hands-on:
Angular hands-on 2d Leuven 27
2d web based 27
PHP programming: fundamentals course:
PHP programming: fundamentals course 3d Leuven 14
3d web based 14
Python fundamentals:
Python fundamentals 3d Leuven 16
3d web based 16
Python fundamentals - mentored workshop:
Python fundamentals - mentored workshop 3d   Contact ABIS
Colour codes:
BelgiumNetherlandselsewhereweb based