Python fundamentals

During this practical training, we provide a solid base for programming in Python.

Throughout the last decades, Python has become one of the most used programming languages in the world. Its versatility is impressive and makes it into a popular language throughout a broad domain spectrum: OS scripting, data analysis, system and network administration, web development, ...

Moreover, writing Python code is fun and relatively easy in comparison to some other languages. During the training, we acquire insight in the philosophy behind programming in Python, get accustomed to its syntax and build a few applications on the way.


25 Nov3Leuven 1710 EUR (excl. VAT)
25 Nov3web based 1710 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to use Python for scripting, building (web) applications, developing games, communication with databases, testing, building GUIs, data analysis, etc.


Basic knowledge of programming (see course Programming fundamentals).

Main topics

  • Introduction
  • What is Python? How is it used? Strengths and weaknesses ...
  • How a Python program is executed
  • Program architecture: modules and importing
  • Building blocks of a basic Python program
  • Expressions, statements, modules
  • Variables, object types, dynamic typing
  • Python object types (data structures) and their methods
  • Numerical types
  • Working with strings
  • Collections: lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets
  • Working with files
  • Syntax of program structures
  • Selection: if / elif / else
  • Iteration: while, for, comprehensions
  • Functions: concepts, scope, arguments, lambdas, generators
  • Python & OO: working with classes and methods (basics)
  • Classes and instances
  • The inheritance mechanism
  • Subclasses
  • Operator overloading
  • Modules and Packages
  • The import mechanism
  • The Python Standard Library
  • Installing and using third party packages
  • Exception handling

Training method

Classroom training with extensive demos and practical exercises.


3 days.

Course leader

Arnout Veugelen, Gert Vanstapel, Peter Vanroose.


4.3/5 (based on 84 evaluations; the most recent ones are shown below)

I learned loads of new things, was really helpful for me.

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Arnout is an expert of his domain, excellent knowledge

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Curse was very informative.well structure

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very good

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The course was good but several things were discussed briefly and some of the material was not even mentioned. The instructor was good but some of the examples were not completely clear

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Very nice course to start with Python programming. I liked the pace of the course. There was not a moment when I felt like falling asleep!

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Goede cursus, voor zover ik weet zijn bijna alle basisaspecten van Python besproken. Wel best pittig voor iemand zonder programmeerkennis, veel stof in te weinig tijd.

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uitstekend, Peter nam de tijd om dingen goed uit te leggen - interpreteerde de vragen goed

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super informative

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Goede opleiding waarmee je een goede introductie krijgt in Python en direct toepasbaar is in de praktijk.

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Heel duidelijk en goed gepresenteerd, alleen is 8uur per dag erg lang om te kunnen focussen.

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Nice course to get the basics of Python

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Een uitstekende training waarin je veel leert over de theorie van Python maar deze ook gelijkt in de praktijk toepast.

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Voor iemand met weinig python kennis is het een goede training. De uitleg is goed en helder en met de bijbehorende opdrachten om te oefenen.

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Ik ben erg blij deze cursus gevolgd te hebben: dus super geslaagd in mijn ogen.

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Prima cursus om te starten met Python.

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Bonne approche de python. De la pratique sera nécessaire pour en utiliser les subtilités.

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zoals het moet

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Het is een zeer complete beginners cursus die langzaam en gestructureerd opbouwt

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op korte tijd veel geleerd

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erg nuttig en goed gepresenteerd. af en toe lastig als je weinig ervaring hebt met programmeren.

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Zeer goed gegeven. Steekt deftig in elkaar. Had graag een dagje langer gehad zodat we meer praktijk konden oefenen.

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