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AI, Data Science, Big Data and Analytics

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Click on a course title for more information.
Modern data warehousing and business intelligence:
Modern data warehousing and business intelligence 1d   Contact ABIS
Big data architecture and infrastructure:
Big data architecture and infrastructure 1d Leuven 19
1d web based 19
Dimensional modelling for data warehouses:
Dimensional modelling for data warehouses 3d   Contact ABIS
SQL for BI and Data Science:
SQL for BI and Data Science 2d Leuven 16
2d web based 16
Big data in practice: text analytics:
Big data in practice: text analytics 1d Leuven 09
1d web based 09
Regular expressions:
Regular expressions 0.5d   Contact ABIS
Python fundamentals:
Python fundamentals 3d Leuven 16
3d web based 16
Python fundamentals - mentored workshop:
Python fundamentals - mentored workshop 3d   Contact ABIS
Python for data analytics:
Python for data analytics 3d Woerden 14
3d web based 14
R for data analytics:
R for data analytics 3d   Contact ABIS
Scala programming:
Scala programming 4d Leuven 10
4d web based 10
SAS programming part 1: fundamentals:
SAS programming part 1: fundamentals 3d   Contact ABIS
SAS programming part 2: digging deeper:
SAS programming part 2: digging deeper 3d   Contact ABIS
Tableau Fundamentals:
Tableau Fundamentals 1d   Contact ABIS
Tableau advanced training:
Tableau advanced training 2d   Contact ABIS
Big data in practice using Hadoop:
Big data in practice using Hadoop 2d   Contact ABIS
Big data in practice using Spark:
Big data in practice using Spark 2d Leuven 19
2d web based 19
AI and Machine Learning inspire session:
AI and Machine Learning inspire session 1d   Contact ABIS
AI and Machine Learning fundamentals using Python:
AI and Machine Learning fundamentals using Python 3d Leuven 09
3d web based 09
Machine Learning: deep learning & neural networks with TensorFlow:
Machine Learning: deep learning & neural networks with TensorFlow 3d   Contact ABIS
Building neural networks with Linux:
Building neural networks with Linux 5d   Contact ABIS
ChatGPT and Generative AI:
ChatGPT and Generative AI 0.5d Leuven 22
Microsoft Azure AI fundamentals:
Microsoft Azure AI fundamentals 1d Utrecht 12
1d web based 12
Statistics fundamentals:
Statistics fundamentals 2d   Contact ABIS
Colour codes:
BelgiumNetherlandselsewhereweb based