SAS programming part 1: fundamentals

This course is designed for those who are going to use SAS to analyze data and build applications. It will meet the needs of users entirely new to SAS and of those with some SAS experience. The SAS/base product will be covered in detail. The course content and level make the course version independent, version 9 for SAS on mainframe is used in the labs.

At the end of the course, the students will be able to write SAS programs that can be executed interactively as well as in batch. This is not a 'point 'n click' course; participants will write their own coding. In this respect the course teaches the "classic" approach to SAS, using the typical building blocks of a SAS program. SAS programming part 1: fundamentals explains the essentials for understanding and writing SAS code, SAS programming part 2: digging deeper adds SAS Base features (SQL in SAS, using database tables, what is ODS, ...) that in most companies are very often used. Those of you that are interested in building reusable code, should also attend SAS programming part 3: macro essentials that explains the SAS Macro Language.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Analysts, programmers, info-center support and experienced end-users. The course is suitable for both mainframe and PC users. Although "SAS on mainframe" is used in the labs, "SAS on Windows" is available for those delegates that never work in a mainframe terminal session. The statements and commands, as well as the context discussed are the same on all platforms.


PC and/or terminal experience and experience with program structures are required.

Main topics

  • Introduction: SAS features and possibilities • SAS products • program use.
  • SAS Display Manager: interactive development of SAS code • Display Manager navigation • SAS standard data libraries.
  • SAS language • syntax • variables • SAS dataset • working concept.
  • SAS code: Data Step • SAS instructions • SAS expressions • program logic • dataset processing: merge, subset.
  • Date expressions in SAS.
  • SAS functions, overview and use.
  • SAS analysis and reporting, the Proc Step:
  • standard reporting (SORT, PRINT, FORMAT).
  • statistics and summary tables on Base SAS level (MEANS, FREQ).
  • SAS Utility Procedures: COPY • CONTENTS • DATASETS.
  • INPUT/PUT: reading data into SAS and writing data from SAS.
  • Dataset manipulations: APPEND, MERGE, subset(IF, WHERE) and UPDATE.
  • Macro variables in a SAS program: what it is and why/how to use them.
  • Additional procedures - UNIVARIATE - PLOT - CHART.

Training method

Classical instruction. Exercises take up much of the time.


3 days.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx.


4.2/5 (based on 20 evaluations; the most recent ones are shown below)

Very good course

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Good introductory course

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goede cursus om met een basis jezelf redzaam te maken in sas. Ook wanneer je al kort met Sas gewerkt hebt, maar niet de basis principes weet.

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heel goed en duidelijk uitleg

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Goed geeft je goede basis kennis van de cursus

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Goede algemen cursus met een duidelijke basis . HAd misschien af en toe wat sneller gekund maar gezien de verschillende niveaus is dat begrijpelijk.

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