Computing concepts

This training gives participants without a specific IT background a general overview of the basic principles and techniques used in IT.

At the end of this course the participant will:

  • be familiar with the basic architectures and technologies of hardware, networks, applications;
  • be familiar with the functions and the types of operating systems;
  • understand the different kinds of applications: how they work and how they are made;
  • have had a taste of some basic techniques from the world of programming, data, networking, ...


25 Nov2.5Leuven 1620 EUR (excl. VAT)
25 Nov2.5web based 1620 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

Future programmers or analysts without a specific IT background, everyone who wants to obtain basic technical IT-knowledge (project managers, sales representatives, managers, ...).


No specific previous knowledge is required.

Main topics

  • Computer technology basics

computer architecture • binary data • CPU • memory • I/O • mainframe/midrange/PC/server ...

  • Operating systems:

functions • types • OS overview (Windows, Unix/Linux, MVS-z/OS, OS/400-i5/OS, ...)

  • Virtualisation:

Hardware virtualisation • virtual machines • containers • cloud computing

  • Networks and data communication:

LAN & WAN • hubs, routers, switches, modems • Ethernet • ADSL • TCP/IP • OSI model • Internet • security

  • Distributed processing:

client/server • web technologies • HTML • XML • HTTP • Service Oriented Architecture web services • APIs

  • Data organisation:

data types • storage media • database types • SQL • locking, protection, recovery • data warehouses • analytics • BI • data science • machine learning • artificial intelligence

  • Applications:

traditional & object oriented programming • programming languages (COBOL, C++, Java, Python, C#, ...) • programming tools (IDE, CASE, Version Management) • platforms (Java EE, .NET) • frameworks

  • The development process:

project lifecycle (analysis, design, implementation, test, ...) • Agile • methods and techniques • modelling • ERD • Object Orientation (OO) • RUP • UML • organisational aspects

  • Management:

system management • network management • application management • SLA • ITIL

Training method

Classroom training, with theoretical explanations, demos and small exercises (e.g. on the basic principles of system analysis).


3 days.

Course leader

Arnout Veugelen.


Onderwerpen en toepasbaarheid prima

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Goed - interressant

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Zeer goed op maat gemaakt. Heel goed dat we langer stil konden staan bij topics die relevant voor ons waren.

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Zeer goed. Heel goed om een algemeen framework & structuur te krijgen bij alle losse termen die ik reeds kende. Ook interessant om korte samenvatting van allerlei concepten te krijgen.

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