Java concepts

In this course:

  • the participant gains an insight into the possibilities and the most important principles of Java.;
  • the participant gets a structured insight into Java as language, technology, platform;
  • the different Java editions for desktop, enterprise and mobile applications will be discussed;
  • the participant gets an overview of current Java architecture and evolution.


23 Sep1Leuven 625 EUR (excl. VAT)
23 Sep1web based 625 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

Everyone interested in Java.You can test yourself to see if this course contains enough new information for you by filling out the on-line self-test.


Some familiarity with an object oriented language (see course OO concepts and techniques) and internet is an advantage.

Main topics

  • Java, an overview:
  • language: objects and classes • garbage collection • multi-threading • ...
  • platform independency: virtual machine • binary code format
  • security aspects
  • overview of the Java editions
  • annotations, functional programming, modularity
  • Java Standard Edition (Java SE)
  • standard libraries: core Java, desktop Java, graphical user interfaces (AWT, Swing) • database access with JDBC • Remote Method Invocation
  • JavaBeans
  • Java and XML
  • Java FX
  • Enterprise Java (Java EE)
  • application architecture, components and containers
  • web applications: servlets • JavaServer Pages • frameworks: Struts, JavaServer Faces (JSF) • web sockets • web services
  • Enterprise Java Beans: EJB types (Entity, Session, Message) • EJB architecture
  • Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) • Context en Dependency Injection (CDI)
  • messaging • JNDI • Java Connector Architecture (JCA)
  • Java for mobile devices (Java ME)
  • Java Micro/Mobile Edition
  • Java Card
  • Java application development
  • development tools (IDE)
  • frameworks
  • application servers

Training method

Lecturing completed with demonstrations and practical examples.


1 day.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx, Gert Vanstapel.