Db2 for z/OS: monitoring & tuning systems' performance

This course examines and explains the critical factors that affect Db2 for z/OS performance from a systems perspective. The effective use of monitoring and tuning tools is an integral part of all tuning topics throughout the course. This course is appropriate for Db2 for z/OS environments up to and including Db2 11 for z/OS.

On completion of this course attendees will be able to:

  • identify the Db2 and MVS factors that affect performance;
  • plan for Db2 subsystem monitoring and tuning;
  • detect poor performance using various techniques;
  • identify tuning opportunities;
  • carry out effective problem detection through the use of an established performance and monitoring policy;
  • implement and interpret Db2 related trace outputs covering I/O tuning, buffer pool tuning, EDM pool tuning, IRLM tuning, thread tuning.




Public training calendar
15 May2Eweb based 1575 EUR (excl. VAT)
17 Jul2Eweb based 1575 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

All those responsible for Db2 systems performance.


A sound understanding of Db2 and z/OS (MVS) concepts is required.

Main topics

  • Performance Overview

What is 'performance'?; Performance objectives; Workload categories; Service Level Agreements; Performance factors; System parameters; EDM pool size; Buffer pool sizes; Bufferpool thresholds; Database design factors; Application design factors; Db2 traces.

  • Db2 Traces

Activating traces; Trace types; Trace destination; Accounting trace classes; Audit trace classes; Statistics trace classes; Performance trace classes; Monitor trace classes; Global trace classes; IFCIDs activated; Other trace options; Controlling traces; Auditing tables; Audit policies.

  • Performance Monitoring

Monitoring & tuning overview; Db2 monitoring overview; Db2 Performance Expert (Db2PE); Db2PE report sets & traces; Statistics report example; Accounting trace classes and report details; Suspensions.

  • Db2 System Parameters

Db2 system parameters; Modifying system parameters; Specifying start-up parameters; Online parameter management; Changing parameters using commands; Producing a system parameters report; System parameters report.

  • Tuning Buffer Pools

Buffer pools; 64-bit architecture; Buffer pool size; Buffer pool pages; Buffer page processing; I/O types; Buffer pool thresholds; Fixed thresholds; Variable thresholds; Buffer page stealing; Buffer pool parameters; DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL command; DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL output; Buffer pool hit ratio; Hit ratio determination - DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL command; Hit ratio determination - Db2PE reports; Monitoring buffer pools (write activity); Monitoring buffer pools (I/O); Buffer pool tuning: number and size, thresholds; ALTER BUFFERPOOL command.

  • Tuning the EDM Pool

The EDM pool; Default EDM pool size; Modifying EDM pool size; Dynamic SQL caching; EDM pool parameters; EDM pool storage usage; Monitoring the EDM pool: general, dynamic SQL, I/O activity; Tuning the EDM pool.

  • Tuning the Sort Pool

The sort pool; Sort processing: sort phase, sort tree, merge phase; Sort pool size; Sort pool estimation; Sort pool parameters; Monitoring sorts; Sort performance; Sort tuning.

  • Tuning the RID Pool

Record Identifiers; RID pool storage; RID pool size; RID pool parameters; RID processing: list prefetch, multiple indexes, hybrid join; Monitoring RID pool; Tuning the RID pool.

  • Monitoring Application Performance

Monitoring overview; Db2 Performance Expert (Db2PE); Db2PE reports and traces; Db2PE accounting report: short, long; Accounting report: time distribution, application times, suspensions & highlights; Accounting report; Dynamic SQL caching; Other processing activity; Locking activity; Parallelism; Buffer pool & group buffer pool activity; Db2PE statistics reports.

  • Tuning Threads

Threads; Connection types; Controlling connections; Connection parameters; Connection processing; TSO connections; CAF connections; CICS connection control; IMS connections; IMS connection control; Monitoring threads (Db2 command); Monitoring threads (Db2PE); Thread tuning: general, TSO, CICS, IMS.

  • Tuning Locking & Concurrency

Locking overview; The Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM); Reasons for locking: lost updates, reading uncommitted data, repeatable read: Lock control; Lock options - installation; Locking parameters; Lock options - application development; Locks used by SQL statements; Lock compatibility: row or page locks, tablespace locks; Bind - ACQUIRE and RELEASE parameters; Bind - ISOLATION and CURRENTDATA parameters; Lock avoidance; Lock avoidance example; Monitoring locking: Db2 command, LOCKINFO, EXPLAIN, Db2PE; Tuning locking.

  • Tuning Data-Sharing

Db2 data-sharing; Coupling Facility structures: cache structure, lock structure; Lock table entries; Using the lock structure; Lock propagation; Coupling Facility structures - list structure; Installing data-sharing; Data-sharing parameters; Group Buffer Pool parameters; DISPLAY GROUP command; DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL command; DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL output; ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command; Monitoring Group Buffer Pool activity (Db2PE); Monitoring data-sharing locking; Tuning data-sharing: Group Buffer Pool size, lock structure size, parallelism.

Training method



2 days.

Course leader

RSM Technology.