z/OS application development with IDz (RDz)

During this training, you learn how to use IDz (IBM Developer for zSystems). Traditional mainframe application development for batch applications or on-line transactions has been done for decades using the TSO/ISPF environment. IBM's IDz (previously named RDz - Rational Developer for zSystems) facilitates the development process by offering a complete integrated workbench for coding, testing and debugging these applications. The development will be done locally, but at any stage with a connection to the remote z/OS.

In this course, participants learn:

  • to use IDz for the development of traditional well structured batch or online mainframe oriented applications, written in COBOL or PL/I;
  • to test and debug these applications efficiently, using the integrated debugger and zUnit;
  • to know the possibilities for integrating z/OS applications, using database access (Db2);
  • to manage and deploy the applications on the z/OS.


No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Application programmers who are going to develop online and/or batch applications using the IDz COBOL and/or PL/I features.


The students should be experienced in COBOL (see COBOL programming - part 1) or PL/I (see PL/I programming: fundamentals course). Some basic knowledge of Db2 and of CICS is an advantage.

Main topics

  • IDz workbench as Integrated Development Environment
  • basic Eclipse concepts: navigation in the workbench • perspectives • views • editors
  • resource manipulations • searching • comparing • local history • import and export
  • z/OS development
  • IDz features/perspectives for z/OS projects
  • z/OS connection • preparation of datasets (filter, mapping, property groups)
  • COBOL / PL/I editor (code assist, templates, snippets)
  • JCL editor and job submission • spool monitor
  • dataset utilities
  • Debugging
  • preparation (compile • JCL)
  • integrated debugger for source code debugging (views: debug • breakpoint • variable • monitor)
  • zUnit framework
  • z/OS project organisation
  • MVS subprojects
  • property group customisation
  • deployment of applications
  • Data base development
  • data source explorer
  • data projects (SQL query build and test)
  • stored procedures (SQL PL, COBOL, PL/I)
  • database applications
  • CICS applications
  • using CICS facilities (EXEC CICS)
  • BMS editor
  • CICS integrated debugging

Training method

Theory is kept to a minimum. The participant spends most of the time developing and testing COBOL (or PL/I) applications interactively using IDz.


2 days.

Course leader

Peter Vanroose.



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Bonne (en détails : c'était un cours débutant IdZ, j'ai appris "sur le tas" cette dernière année, je voulais voir les bases, le cours convient pour ça)

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Complèt et bien expliqué

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