LPIC-1 certification track (exam 101)

The LPIC-1 certification track is set up to help you on your way to Linux certification. LPIC certification is vendor neutral, provides a solid foundation of Linux fundamentals, and proves you have the LINUX skills required for cloud, big data, mobile and network roles.

LPIC-1 is the first certification in LPI's multi-level Linux Professional certification program. To pass LPIC-1, you should be able to:

  • work at the Linux command line
  • perform easy maintenance tasks: help users, add users to a larger system, backup and restore, shutdown and reboot
  • install and configure a workstation (including X) and connect it to a LAN, or a standalone PC to the Internet

An LPIC-1 certificate requires you to successfully take two exams; this track will guide you in your preparation for exam 101.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

All potential users of Linux, whether end user, analyst, application developer, or administrator who want their Linux skills to be confirmed through certification.


General knowledge of computing principles is a minimum requirement. Although the content for the exam 101 track builds up from scratch; the learning curve is steep and some Linux working experience is a benefit. Knowledge of another operating system or of a programming language could also be an advantage but is not necessary.

Main topics

  • Unix command line
  • File management, streams, pipes, and redirects
  • Working with text files, process text streams using filters, search text files using Regular Expressions
  • Process Management: create, monitor, and kill processes, job control, process execution priorities
  • Storage devices, partitions and file systems, the Filesystem Hierarchy
  • File and Storage administration
  • Linux system architecture: hardware, driver modules
  • Linux installation: boot procedure, shutdown and reboot, runlevels, system initialisation
  • Linux package management

For a detailed listing of the requirements for exam 101 you can check https://www.lpi.org/our-certifications/exam-101-102-objectives/

Training method

The LPIC-1 track is set up in a blended learning style; this results in a self-study approach that combines e-learning techniques, internet-based documentation sources and classroom sessions.

  • Self-study/e-learning uses internet based e-learning modules, open source documentation projects, as well as books and course handouts made available by ABIS.
  • Classroom sessions will be used for evaluating the built-up knowledge, discussion of more complex subjects, repetition and refinement of knowledge, as well as supplementary exercises and labs.

All parts/modules of the certification track are well aligned in form and content. The proceedings of the track are well defined and described. Instructors are available during classroom sessions as well as via e-mail for questions during self-study/e-learning. Assessment of the learned concepts will be done via exam style tests and homework.

Participants use their own PC - on which a virtual course environment is installed - for the entire blended learning track. This will allow them to use this course environment throughout any stage of this blended learning track.

For more information on the training approach used, please consult Blended learning.


8 days for classroom sessions with a typical elapsed time of 6 weeks.

Course leader

Peter Vanroose.