IBM MQ Clustering - design & administration

On successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:

  • explain clustering terminology and basic clustering concepts
  • describe how a cluster works
  • implement a cluster and perform common administrative tasks
  • recognise the symptoms of frequently encountered problems and solve them
  • evaluate and exploit the range of workload management options
  • use distributed queuing techniques to connect Queue Managers inside a cluster to Queue Managers outside a cluster
  • configure overlapping clusters
  • outline how clusters support distributed publish/subscribe
  • take steps to render a cluster secure
  • discuss clustering current best practices.




Public training calendar
12 May3Eweb based 2100 EUR (excl. VAT)
01 Jul3Eweb based 2100 EUR (excl. VAT)
22 Sep3Eweb based 2100 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

Experienced MQ Administrators who will be responsible for designing, implementing and managing a WMQ cluster.


Experience of administering IBM MQ in a Linux, UNIX and/or Windows environment, or in a z/OS environment.(see IBM MQ administration for Linux, UNIX & Windows or IBM MQ z/OS system administration).

Main topics

  • Introduction to clustering

What is an IBM MQ cluster?; What an MQ cluster is not; Cloned application services; Continuous putting; Scalability; Cluster components; Reduced administration; Joining a Queue Manager to a cluster; Definition through use; Disseminating cluster information; Cluster information message contents; Retention of information in repositories; Dynamically created reply to queues.

  • Definition, administration and management

Basic cluster configuration; Cluster administration commands; DISPLAY CLUSQMGR; DISPLAY QCLUSTER; SUSPEND QMGR; RESUME QMGR; REFRESH CLUSTER; RESET CLUSTER; Cluster management tasks; Removing a cluster queue from the cluster; Moving a full repository; Removing a Queue Manager from the cluster.

  • Troubleshooting

Common symptoms and problems; Retrying CLUSSDR channel; SYSTEM.TEMP CLUSQMGR names; Unknown Object Name (RC 2085); Cluster resolution error (RC 2189); DISPLAY CLUSQMGR displays a Queue Manager twice.

  • Workload management

Workload management before Version 6; Workload management options since V6; CLWLUSEQ(ANY); CLWLRANK; CLWLPRTY; CLWLMRUC; CLWLWGHT; NETPRTY; The workload management algorithm; What happens when a target queue is unavailable?; BIND Options; DEFBIND, DEFPRTY and DEFPSIST.

  • Clustering and distributed queuing

Aliases revisited: Queue Manager aliases, queue aliases; Using queue aliases in clusters; Gateways; Accessing an individual queue outside the cluster; Accessing all queues owned by an external Queue Manager; Accessing external predefined queues via a QM alias; Accessing an individual queue inside the cluster; Accessing all of a cluster Queue Managers' queues; Workload management from outside the cluster.

  • Overlapping clusters

What are overlapping clusters?; Definitions for overlapping clusters; Putting across the cluster boundary.

  • Publish/subscribe clusters

MQ Publish/Subscribe; Distributed publish/subscribe; Hierarchies and clusters; Proxy subscriptions in clusters; Publish/Subscribe clusters: recommendations.

  • Security

Stopping unauthorized Queue Managers connecting to your Queue Manager; Stopping unauthorized Queue Managers putting messages on your queues; Authorizing putting messages to remote cluster queues; Preventing Queue Managers joining a cluster; Forcing unwanted Queue Managers to leave a cluster; SSL and clusters.

  • Recommendations, best practices and hints

Ten tips for a healthy MQ cluster; Why exactly two full repositories?; Dedicated servers for full repositories; Only one manually defined CLUSSDR; Naming channels.

Training method

A significant feature of this course is the time devoted to extensive practical exercises. The exercises are conducted in a Windows environment, but the principles learned are relevant to all MQ implementations, including z/OS.


3 days.

Course leader

RSM Technology.