Db2 12 for z/OS: changes and new features

This single-day course introduces the changes and new features of Db2 12 for z/OS. It provides a technical overview, and discusses areas of potential advantage for the new features, as well as caveats and potential problems with new features.

On successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:

  • describe the new features and facilities introduced with Db2 12;
  • know the migration possibilities;
  • identify the changes to SQL, commands, utilities and infrastructure relevant to their organisation;
  • identify the new features that would particularly benefit their own installation.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

This course is designed for systems and database administrators, application developers and designers, and all other Db2 users needing an introduction to the new release and what it offers.


A working knowledge of Db2 for z/OS.

Main topics

  • New SQL Possibilities

"Advanced triggers" having a full SQL PL body; arrays as global variables; enhanced MERGE statement; DML pagination: OFFSET clause, multi-column predicates; piece-wise DELETE; new OLAP functions (e.g. LISTAGG)

  • Performance Enhancements

New faster insert algorithm; automated RUNSTATS runs; optimizer improvements (e.g. for UNION ALL, outer joins, temporal queries, top-n pushdown; adaptive list prefetch); new access paths (e.g. adaptive index and bubble up)

  • Availability Enhancements

Transfer ownership of: database, tablespace, table, index, view, stogroup; partition sizes up to 1TB; RTS & some catalog tables can be made temporal

  • Infrastructural Changes

Unicode columns in EBCDIC tables; referential integrity for temporal tables; 7-byte RIDs; relative page numbering for partitioned tablespaces; DSSIZE at partition level

  • Security Enhancements

Optional obfuscation ("wrapping") of the body of an SQL PL procedure, trigger, or function; UNLOAD privilege; resource limit facility for static SQL

  • XML Enhancements

XMLMODIFY can now update multiple documents and use the FLWOR notation; enhancements to the functions XSLTRANSFORM and JSON_VAL

  • Command and Utility Changes

New commands (related to function level, to dynamic statement cache, and to statistics collection)

  • Migration Considerations

Simplified migration process: gradually enabling new features through "function levels" and continuous delivery.

Training method

Instructor-led training.


1 day.

Course leader

Peter Vanroose.