Understanding WebSphere in Linux, UNIX & Windows environments
This course is designed for users of Linux, UNIX and Windows environments who, if they have not already encountered a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) in their organisation, are likely to in the near future. It explains the WebSphere Application Server architecture together with some of the major components, including administration, installation of J2EE applications, scalability, availability and failover issues. As security is a large topic in Web Applications, this course will only cover an introduction to security with WAS.
On successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
- describe the set-up of the Java EE component model and how this model maps to the WAS infrastructure implementation
- explain WAS architecture and topology choices and relate them to the appropriate configuration
- detect the application flow and the interaction between Java EE application components and the server
- describe security for server-side applications
- explain how WAS can help with the evaluation and the follow-up of server availability
- use the WAS tools for the management, the configuration and the evaluation of enterprise applications.
Public training calendar
No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.
Intended for
This course is particularly appropriate for all applications architects, project managers, programmers and administrators who are going to encounter web applications in their environment and who need to understand WAS.
Some familiarity with Internet concepts and Java would be an advantage, but is not mandatory. For day two, an understanding of your own Linux, UNIX or Windows environment is required.
Main topics
- WAS V8.5 - Concepts
Layers & tiers (practical view); SOA reference architecture (high-level conceptual view); Java 2 Enterprise Edition model 8; OSGi applications; WAS 8.5 highlights; WebSphere Application Server 8.5 family; WebSphere Application Server 8.5 flavours; WAS position within the enterprise infrastructure; Types of Request/Response; Failover & Workload Management clients; Outline of WAS8.5 architecture; Terminology in WAS V8.5.
- Managing a WebSphere Application Server Platform
Introducing the WebSphere admin console; Logging into the console; Organizing admin tasks; Using the interface; Common administrative tasks; Managing Application Servers; Managing Application Servers: start/stop commands; Terminology in more detail; Application Server containers; Web connection; Applications; Global Deployment Settings; Server administration; System management; Administrative console; System management tasks; Configuration file support; Application management; Application installation; Managing Enterprise applications; Configuring the environment; Transport channel service; Managing virtual hosts; Generating the Web server plug-in; WebSphere variables; Console messages; Examples of commands instead of the GUI Interface; WebSphere scripting; Bean Scripting Framework (BSF); JMX; JMX distributed structure; Common tasks using 'wsadmin'; Using wsadmin; Getting to know your Mbeans; Info on configuration objects; Wizardry by 'AdminTask'; Operational tasks; Common admin task examples; Configuration tasks; Typical configuration tasks: to name a few ...; Configuration tasks made easy.
- J2EE and OSGi Applications
Java2 Enterprise Edition outlines; The Java virtual machine; J2EE 1.4 in general terms; Logical view on the J2EE application model; Aspects of the J2EE platform; J2EE roles; J2EE Application model (run-time view); J2EE components, containers and services; Client-side components (more on ...); Enterprise Java Beans - EJBs; Server-side: EJB - What about beans?; Server-side: EJB - enterprise bean behaviour; J2EE services: names, names, names!; The solution is J2EE references; The typical application flow explained; Dump Name Space; First Failure Data Capture logs; J2EE packaging; J2EE: DD and EAR DD; J2EE: EJB DD; J2EE: WAR DD; Packaging revisited (IBM specific); More packaging: Bindings; More packaging: IBM extensions; Rational Application Developer; OSGi applications; Bundles; OSGi Bundle Manifest file; OSGi Alliance; RAD - the procedure; RAD- verify archive files; EJBDeploy parameters; launchClient tool; Enterprise application install procedure; System applications; Changes to .EAR; How to perform other changes.
- Clustering, WLM, and High Availability
Outlines for scalability; WLM - what does it mean?; What is it for?; WLM types; WLM components; Intelligent Management; Autonomic managers; The on demand router; Clustering; Clustering - final; Web server to WAS; Plug-in workload management; EJB container as server; Enterprise Java Services (EJS) workload management; Static cluster versus dynamic cluster; Creating clusters; Cluster parameters (steps 1 to 4); Dynamic Clusters; Options for Dynamic Clustering; Dynamic Cluster enablement; Creating a Dynamic Cluster; Setting the Environment; Managing clusters; Enable failover of transaction log recovery; State or no state, that's the question; HTTP session/Session management facility; EJB sessions or transactions; What about affinity?; Basic routing decisions; HTTP session management; Session affinity; Weighting factors; Server cluster settings; Failover; Edge Component failover; Web Server failover; Web Container failover; EJB Container failover; SSL ID tracking; Session persistence; Memory to memory replication; Replication domains; Database persistence; Session persistence tuning.
- Introducing Security into the WebSphere J2EE Environment
WAS security implementation; Authentication; Administrative security; Enabling security after profile creation; Secure System Administration; Administrative security; Secure processes; Federated repositories feature; J2EE Application Security (focus on); Security roles; J2EE security roles; J2EE container based security; Configuring application security; Handling security role mappings from Admin console; Securing J2EE components in practice; Web components: Web module; Securing EJBs; Security domains; Security domain scope; Multi-security domains; Tips for configuring default security; Extensible, layered security infra-architecture; J2EE security features compared; Authorization mechanisms; Java2 security; JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service); External WAS security components; J2EE security the full picture explained; JACC - Java Authorization Contract for Containers; Simplified certificate and key management; SSL - Secure Sockets Layer; Security auditing.
Training method
The course combines formal classroom teaching with numerous practical, hands-on sessions. This course is also available via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.
2 days.
Course leader
RSM Technology.