Technical introduction to IBM MQ
This course provides a sound introduction to (and understanding of) IBM's MQ (formerly WebSphere MQ and before that, MQSeries) messaging system, at both a conceptual and terminological level, and is essential for all personnel who will be working in an IBM MQ environment. This course is appropriate for both the z/OS and multi-platform environments.
On successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:
- understand the concepts of Queues, Queue Managers and MQ messages
- describe IBM MQ program design considerations and the MQI
- explain triggering, syncpoints and message grouping and segmentation
- discuss Distributed Queuing enablement
- understand and describe Clustering.
Public training calendar | |||||
date | dur. | lang. | location | price | |
19 May | 1 | E | web based | 719 EUR (excl. VAT) | |
02 Jun | 1 | E | web based | 719 EUR (excl. VAT) | |
14 Jul | 1 | E | web based | 719 EUR (excl. VAT) | |
08 Sep | 1 | E | web based | 719 EUR (excl. VAT) | |
Intended for
All technical and management personnel requiring an introduction to IBM MQ.
A knowledge of one or more IT applications environments.
Main topics
- Basic Messaging Concepts
Islands of information and IBM MQ; What's in a name?; Software layers; IBM MQ features; Wide platform coverage; The MQI - a common application programming interface; Time independent or asynchronous processing; Assured message delivery; Support of different application styles; MQ - some comparisons: Queues, Messages, MQPUT, MQGET; Queue managers and database managers; A significant difference between queues and database tables...; Messages and queues; Shared queues; The Queue Manager; Basic message structure; Asynchronous messaging; Synchronous messaging; Multiple requesters, one responder; Parallel messaging; Re-using MQ application processes as business objects; Meshed business objects; Remote messaging (distributed queuing); MQ clients.
- Queue Managers, Queues and Messages
Queue types; Local queues; Alias queues; Model and dynamic queues; Remote queues; The Message Descriptor; Datagram message type; Request/Reply messages; Report messages - COA; Report messages - COD; Message priority; Message-id and correlation-id; Message retrieval by message or correlation id; Using Msgid and CorrelIid; Message persistence; Message persistence - logging; Circular logging in distributed MQ; Linear logging in distributed MQ; Message expiry; Message expiry usage; Message translation - encoding; Message translation - coded character set.
- The MQI, Triggering and Syncpoints
The MQI layer; The MQI - language Interfaces; The MQI calls; Program preparation; Load Module structure; MQCONN; MQCONN sample call; MQOPEN; MQOPEN sample call; MQPUT; MQPUT sample call; MQGET; MQGET sample call; MQCLOSE; MQCLOSE sample call; MQPUT1; MQDISC; MQDISC sample call; Triggering - why?; Using triggering; Triggering overview; Trigger message contents; Syncpoint control; MQCMIT; MQGET under syncpoint control; Syncpoints and non-resource managed objects; Recovery co-ordination without a transaction manager; MQ recovery co-ordination of XA compliant resource manager(s); Recovery with a transaction manager; A distributed business transaction without MQ; A distributed business transaction with MQ; Message grouping and segmentation.
- MQ Distributed Queuing - Overview
Distributed queuing components; Remote queues; Transmission queues; Message Channel Agents; MCA configuration; Channel types; Triggering channels; Dead letter queues; Client/server or MQI channels; Setting up a client/server channel; MQ clustering; Cluster resilience; Choosing the target instance of a cluster queue.
- MQ Administration
Installing MQ; Administration mechanisms; Control commands; MQSC (MQ script) commands; Runmqsc: displaying Queue Manager properties; Runmqsc: displaying queue properties; MQ Explorer: looking at Queue Managers; MQ Explorer: looking at queues and channels; z/OS ISPF panels: looking at queues; Instrumentation events.
- Introduction to IBM MQ Security
Channel Exits; Security Exits; Other channel exits; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); Channel Authentication Records; Connection authentication; Access Control; Message Descriptor (MQMD) context information; Advanced Message Security.
- IBM MQ Additional Features
MQ Publish/Subscribe; A classic example; Types of publications; State publications; Event publications; Adding business processes as subscribers; MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT); MQ Managed File Transfer.
Training method
1 day.
Course leader
RSM Technology.