Business processes and BPMN

In this blended course, participants learn to correctly identify, analyse and describe business processes.

More specifically:

  • they will learn how to model processes using BPMN
  • they will learn how to identify processes, discover problems and identify them
  • they will learn how to solve them using BPI (Business Process Improvement)




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Everybody interested in learning how to effectively identify, describe, model and improve business processes.


No specific background is required.

Main topics

  • Kick-off

Discover processes in your own environment!

(2 hr. live session) Introduction - identification of the learning targets

(15 min. selfstudy - practical lab) Background inventarisation; getting to know the other participants

(10 min. selfstudy - practical lab) What are your core business processes? - Prepare a list of five processes!

  • Module 1

What is a process? What are process properties?

The Business Process Management cycle is discussed.

(3 hr. selfstudy - e-learning course) Process discovery

(4 hr. live session) BPMN and process discovery workshop

  • Module 2

Processes in practice!
BPMN - Business Process Model & Notation - is discussed: what is it, and how can it be used in practice?

(4 hr. selfstudy - e-learning course) Process moddeling with BPMN - BPMN fundamentals

(15 min selfstudy - practical lab) The BPMN poster

(4 hr. live session) Process modelling workshop

  • Module 3

Process improvement using the princples of business Process Improvement (BPI).

(3 hr. selfstudy - e-learning course) BPMN in practice - Seven steps to process modeling glory

(30 min. selfstudy - practical lab) Model one of your core business processes

(4 hr. live session) What about process improvement? BPI

(30 min. selfstudy - practical lab) BPI and the business process you modelled. Share your conclusions with participants and instructor.

  • Coaching

(10 min. feedback) Course evaluation - Q&A - how can we further help you?

Training method

Blended learning approach - we combine selfstudy activities with standard live (virtual classroom) sessions. Selfstudy activities might include the preparation of individual practical or theoretical labs, or the study of an online course, made available through the Master Channel.

Participants have access to all online courses available in the Master Channel for 12 months.


4 half day live sessions, approx. 10 hrs. selfstudy, 4 assignments to be prepared; elapsed: 2 to 3 weeks.

Course leader

The Master Labs