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OS X support essentials

This course provides an in-depth exploration of troubleshooting on OS X Lion 10.7. It gives you a tour of the breadth of functionality of OS X Lion and the best methods for effectively supporting users of OS X Lion systems.

What you will learn:

  • The troubleshooting process and how to become more efficient with available tools and resources
  • OS X 10. Lion features in depth, including how to find additional information
  • How to prepare for Apple Certified Support Professional certification




Publieke opleidingskalender

Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.

Intended for

  • Help desk specialists, technical coordinators, service technicians, and others who support Mac users
  • Technical support personnel in businesses that use Macs
  • Technical coordinators or power users who manage networks of computers running OS X such as teachers and technology specialists who manage networks or computer labs


Knowledge of OS X and basic computer navigation.

Main topics

  • Installation

Prepare and partition the drive, install OS X Lion, use the installer log files to verify a successful installation, configure OS X Lion with the Setup Assistant, update software with Software Update and Installer, tips and techniques for troubleshooting an installation problem.

  • User Accounts

Create and manage user accounts, create and manage administrator accounts, locate directory attributes, security, password selection, Keychain, and FileVault.

  • File Systems

File systems supported by OS X Lion, file and directory ownership and permissions, Disk Utility and file repair, using the command line for file management.

  • Data Management

The root volume, file system layout, preferences, frameworks, file types unique to OS X Lion (i.e., resource forks and packages), Spotlight, file archives, disk images. archiving and restoring data with Time Machine, managing backup data, how to access the data outside of Time Machine.

  • Applications and Processes

Applications supported in OS X Lion, applications created with different developer APIs, the UNIX concept of a process, the relationship of processes and applications, tools to monitoring and managing processes, application preferences, troubleshooting, Boot Camp.

  • Network Configuration

Basic networking configuration, TCP/IP networking, Ethernet, AirPort, multiple network connections, appropriate use of network locations, isolating and troubleshooting network elements.

  • Network Services

Connecting to common network resources, Network Users accounts with Directory Services, AFP, SMB, SSH, FTP, and WebDAV connections, Bonjour, NetBIOS, the network browser, isolating client software issues from network issues.

Enabling network services on a OS X Lion client, peer-to-peer collaboration, sharing files between Macs and Windows, sharing web documents, screen sharing, firewall as well as techniques to isolate server issues from client and network issues.

  • Peripherals and Printing

Connecting peripherals to a Mac, cabling, connections, device drivers for common peripherals, managing printers, print-job management, printer PPDs and PDF workflow, techniques for isolating cabling, driver, or application issues.

  • System Startup

Troubleshooting boot issues with a Mac at startup, phases of the startup process, which part of the system is active during each phase, issues that can arise, automatic process launching with launchd and login window startup items.

Training method

The course is a combination of lectures and hands-on case study exercises that provide practical real-world experience.

Students can take the OS X Support Essentials 10.7 Exam to earn Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.7 certification.


3 days.

Course leader

Broadcast College.