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Linux - UNIX

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Klik op een cursustitel voor meer informatie.
LPIC-1 certificeertraject (examen 101):
LPIC-1 certificeertraject (examen 101) 8d   Contacteer ABIS
LPIC-1 certificeertraject (examen 102):
LPIC-1 certificeertraject (examen 102) 8d   Contacteer ABIS
LPIC-2 certificeertraject (examens 201 en 202):
LPIC-2 certificeertraject (examens 201 en 202) 15d   Contacteer ABIS
Linux in een notendop:
Linux in een notendop 1d Leuven 02
1d web based 02
Linux/UNIX basiscursus:
Linux/UNIX basiscursus 4d Leuven 12
4d web based 12
Linux/UNIX voor gevorderden:
Linux/UNIX voor gevorderden 2d   Contacteer ABIS
Shell scripting in Linux & UNIX:
Shell scripting in Linux & UNIX 3d Leuven 26
3d web based 26
Linux C programming:
Linux C programming 5d   Contacteer ABIS
Perl: basiscursus:
Perl: basiscursus 3d Leuven 17
3d web based 17
Linux system administration:
Linux system administration 5d   Contacteer ABIS
Linux TCP/IP services and applications:
Linux TCP/IP services and applications 5d   Contacteer ABIS
Linux advanced performance and security:
Linux advanced performance and security 4d   Contacteer ABIS
Linux troubleshooting:
Linux troubleshooting 4d   Contacteer ABIS
Embedded Linux course/workshop:
Embedded Linux course/workshop 5d   Contacteer ABIS
Building neural networks with Linux:
Building neural networks with Linux 5d   Contacteer ABIS
z/OS UNIX System Services part 1 - concepts & facilities:
z/OS UNIX System Services part 1 - concepts & facilities 2d web based 22
z/OS UNIX System Services part 2 - configuration & implementation:
z/OS UNIX System Services part 2 - configuration & implementation 3d web based 14