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Klik op een cursustitel voor meer informatie.
Cursus | duur | plaats | mrt | apr | mei | jun | jul |
Technical introduction to IBM MQ: | |||||||
Technical introduction to IBM MQ | 1d | web based | 31 | 19 | |||
IBM MQ basiscursus: | |||||||
IBM MQ basiscursus | 2d | Leuven | 31 | ||||
2d | web based | 31 | |||||
IBM MQ z/OS system administration: | |||||||
IBM MQ z/OS system administration | 3d | web based | 01 | 20 | |||
IBM MQ administration for Linux, UNIX & Windows: | |||||||
IBM MQ administration for Linux, UNIX & Windows | 3d | web based | 01 | 20 | 03 | ||
IBM MQ Clustering - design & administration: | |||||||
IBM MQ Clustering - design & administration | 3d | Contacteer ABIS |
Kleurcodes: | |||
België | Nederland | elders | web-based |