ISPF/PDF basics

Come and learn to work with ISPF in this one-day course at ABIS.

During this course participants learn:

  • to work on-line in an MVS/TSO environment and to explore the standard ISPF/PDF environment;
  • to use the basic possibilities of the editor efficiently;
  • the different terminal manipulations (commands, function keys,...);
  • the basic utilities for manipulating data sets and members;
  • the importance of batch jobs, and how to check the output.

Schedule a training?

Delivered as a live, interactive training – available in-person or online, or in a hybrid format.
Training can be implemented in Dutch, English, or French.



Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Every future ISPF/PDF user: programmers, analysts, job schedulers, system programmers and end users.

Fill out the online selftest to determine whether you can skip this course and go straight on to our course ISPF/PDF: efficient use.


No specific background is required.

Main topics

  • Mainframe and MVS operating system
  • Overview of ISPF:

logon and logoff, call up ISPF/PDF, screen types, menu structure, action bar, help function, ISPF data set names

  • ISPF settings and PF keys
  • Finding/locating data sets and members:

member selection, scrolling, find, locate

  • View/Edit:

main commands: save, cancel, find, change, undo

line commands: copy, move, delete, repeat, insert

columns: indentation, bounds, cols

treatment of members: copy, move, create, replace, cut, paste

edit profile: caps, recovery

  • Basic data set utilities

allocation, move/copy, library utilities, dataset list

  • Batch jobs and use of the spool:

submit of Job Control Language (JCL), display of the spool with SDSF (Spool Display and Search Facility)

Training method

This is mainly a practical course. After a short theoretical introduction, a lot of time is spent on practical exercises.

The course is also organised as self-study course.


At the end of the session, the participant receives a "Certificate of Completion".


1 day.

Course leader


heel goed, interessante cursus, en gepassioneerde lesgever met heel veel background kennis

  (, )

Très bien, mais ca serait plus simple de voir juste 2-3 concepts et puis faire des exercices que tout voir d'un coup et puis faire des exercices

  (, )

Très utile et très complet.

  (, )

Over het algemeen heel tevreden

  (, )

Zeer goed en interessant.

  (, )