IT awareness

Not everybody is an IT professional. But few in the modern business world can ignore IT, and almost everyone should be able to discuss it.

This IT awareness training is intended for those who would like to get a general overview of the IT world without needing a thorough technical background.

At the end of this fun and interactive seminar the participant will:

  • know the most important concepts of hard- and software, application development and networks;
  • be familiar with the most recent trends in the IT world;
  • be able to give a general description of many technical terms and abbreviations;
  • be more confident in technical discussions with the 'experts';
  • have a better understanding of clients' questions and suppliers' offers;
  • be able to read popular technical magazines and web sites.


No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

This training is aimed at non-technical people in the IT world: human resource managers, consultants, account managers, journalists,... You can test yourself to see if this course contains enough new information for you by filling out the on-line self-test.


No specific background is required for this course.

Main topics

  • Basic principles of the computer: processor • memory • disk ...
  • Computer types: PC • mobile • tablet • mid-range • mainframe • servers • IoT ...
  • The brands: IBM • Hewlett-Packard • Oracle • ....
  • Operating systems: Windows • UNIX • Linux • OSX • iOS • Android • z/OS ...
  • Virtualization: VMWare • Hyper-V • containers
  • Networks: LAN & WAN • Ethernet • WiFi • ADSL • TCP/IP • Router ...
  • Intranet & internet, web, cloud
  • Databases (Db2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL ...) and Data Warehouses
  • Application development: client/server • OO • web applications and APIs • programming languages (JavaScript, Python, Cobol, C++, Java, C#)
  • Packages: ERP, CRM, SAP, Peoplesoft, SalesForce ...
  • Management aspects: SLA • ITIL • PRINCE2 • Agile • Scrum...
  • IT professionals and their profiles: developers, analysts, architects, system administrators ...


1 day.

Course leader

Arnout Veugelen.


4.3/5 (based on 54 evaluations; the most recent ones are shown below)

Definitely applicable in practice. Very good teacher!

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Formateur super pedagogue, qui connait très bien son sujet.

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Bbonne formation, mais étant donné la complexité de certains chapitres, c'est compliqué de rester concentrer jusqu'à la fin. Peut-être l'étaler sur 3 matinées

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J'ai apprécié la manière dont Arnout a donné la formation et les interactions entre lui et nous.

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Komt tot de kern, goede en logische structuur en is ideaal voor mensen die zijdelings te maken hebben met het IT domein.

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Betere kennis te krijgen over vanalles dat speelt in de IT-wereld

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zeer goed!

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Zeer leerrijk, maar iets te kort

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Leerrijk maar te kort voor 1 dag

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Heel interessant om een goede overview te krijgen!

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Leuke cursus

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goed - nuttig voor iemand met mijn achtergrond in mijn huidige positie

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Overall good but of course much content to cover, would focus on Web (services)

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I came to the training thinking it would be boring subject. I had really a very niceand interesting day - original examples

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Also interesting

Enrollees for this training also took the following courses: