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Ethical hacking practitioner

In deze cursus leert u op een hoog niveau ethisch hacken. U verlaat het basisniveau van het bedienen van de bekende hacking tools. U leert verschillende technieken die hackers in de dagelijkse praktijk toepassen. Zaken zoals het schrijven van exploits, uitlezen en analyseren van logbestanden en het zoeken naar kwetsbaarheden komen uitgebreid aan de orde.

Anders dan bij bekende internationale ethical hacking cursussen krijgt u in deze cursus niet alleen inzicht in hoe een hacker te werk gaat, maar leert u ook daadwerkelijk zelf hoe u ethisch kunt hacken. Verder leert uw de fases in een professioneel pentesting proces kennen.




Public training calendar
09 Sep5NWoerden 4125 EUR (exempt from VAT)
09 Sep5Nweb based 4125 EUR (excl. VAT)


Deze cursus is uitermate geschikt voor personen die in hun dagelijks werk te maken krijgen met cybercrime en die de bedrijfssystemen moeten testen op- en beschermen tegen kwetsbaarheden en lekken.


Basiskennis van ethisch hacken wordt aangeraden. Beschikt u hier nog niet over, dan raden wij aan de Ethical Hacking Foundation opleiding te volgen voorafgaand aan deze opleiding.


  • Module 1 – Pre-Engagement & Reconnaissance

This module evaluates the types of pen-tests, how you can use them, what is involved in a warranty and how you determine the scope, time and costs of a pen-test. You will learn how to gather information about specific targets that you can use during the exploration phase of your pen-test.

Learning objectives:

  • Use open sources to find (more) information on the target and use this knowledge to gather information with relevance to the pen-test (scope)
  • Efficiently apply advanced scanning techniques (concrete techniques) to find (more) information on the target and use this knowledge to gather information
  • Combine the information found into a profile that can be used in the next module as a basis for an attack planning
  • Report any vulnerabilities found while researching the information or combining the information in to a report
  • Module 2 – Linux & Scripting

This module takes you into the world of Linux and in particular the distribution of Kali Linux, the most widely used distro (short for distribution) in hacking. We will look at the structure of Linux (file locations) and the basic functionalities that exist to execute commands, the tooling that is used and how you maintain your own environment as a pen-tester. We are also going to look at Bash. How does it work? What functionalities exist for the pen-tester? How do you work with scripts? In addition, we take you along the path of Python scripting. Although this is not a programmer course, it is good to know how Python works and which basic scripts and commands you can run to make life as a pen-tester a lot easier.

Learning objectives:

  • Work with Linux, specifically Kali
  • Know the basic structure of Linux and how to maintain the system
  • Work with the graphical user interface as well as with the terminal
  • Write basic scripts using bash and Python for (test) automation
  • Module 3 – Testing Network Services

Module 3 dives into finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in common network services.

Learning objectives:

  • Know about different protocols and how they work together
  • Find information on a certain protocol in order to find vulnerabilities
  • Perform a low level spoofing attacking
  • Perform a man in the middle attack using lower level protocols
  • Attack devices using vulnerabilities in the Bluetooth protocols
  • Utilise different aspect of the HTTP protocols
  • Use Burp Suite and ZAP as a man in the middle proxy
  • Find FTP vulnerabilities and to exploit these
  • Find SSH vulnerabilities and to exploit these
  • Find SMB vulnerabilities and to exploit these
  • Find NetBIOS vulnerabilities and to exploit these
  • Use the tool 'responder' to gather information and exploit weaknesses on network/application level
  • Module 4 – Testing Devices

In module 4 you will learn how to find and exploit vulnerabilities in mobile devices, IoT devices, and other types of hardware

Learning objectives:

  • Know mobile device architecture
  • Understand the security architecture of Android and IOS
  • Use Android developer tools to exploit vulnerabilities in these devices
  • Reverse engineer mobile apps in order to find and exploit vulnerabilities in these apps (or the backend services/system)
  • Module 5 – Testing Access Control

This module will focus on weaknesses in identification, authentication, authorisation and session management, how to find vulnerabilities and exploit them.

Learning objectives:

  • Familiar with the IAM process (enrolment, identification, authentication, authorisation, permitting access, accounting)
  • Describe possession factors (have), knowledge factors (know), and inherence factors
  • Describe multi-factor and multi-step authentication
  • Attack directory services using common tools
  • Familiar with Protocols: Kerberos, SAML, OAuth2, tokens (sliding tokens), certificate pinning (HSTS) and know how these protective measures are used
  • Find broken authentication controls in desktop applications / mobile applications / OS calls / Single Signon algorithm + implementations and can exploit the vulnerabilities
  • Find broken session controls in desktop applications / DLL (calls) / API calls / mobile applications / web applications / REST services and SOAP services. Also thin client based services like RDP, Citrix, SSH, VNC, etc. and are able to exploit the vulnerabilities
  • Module 6 – Testing Software and Databases

Module 6 dives into finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in databases and software in general. This will cover how software actually works and how to find weaknesses in code or binaries by using techniques like fuzzing, static/dynamic analysis, or reverse engineering/decompiling.

Learning objectives

  • Understand software architecture and structure
  • find weaknesses in code or binaries by using techniques as fuzzing, static code analysis and reverse engineering and decompiling
  • Reproduce attack vectors on software
  • Apply fuzzing techniques and use them to find vulnerabilities, such as overflows
  • Solid understanding of database servers and hands on practice in attacking databases and software
  • Hands on practice in Metasploit exploit modules
  • Module 7 – Conclusion/Reporting

Learning objectives

  • Reasonable (overall) risk rating
  • Explain the risks to stakeholders, like management
  • Advise on mitigations
  • Capture The Flag (CTF) penetration testing challenge (30 % of exam score)

During the CTF, all steps of the penetration test are combined into an exercise where you'll demonstrate your understanding of underlying principles of penetration testing, are able to apply them, and effectively analyse unknown/new situations to find potential weaknesses. After the exercise you will write a report that would be sent to an actual customer.

Verloop van de cursus

U ontvangt bij aanvang van de cursus het officiële cursusmateriaal van SECO-Institute via onze portal. Het cursusmateriaal is Engelstalig en de voertaal tijdens de cursus is Nederlands. Wanneer er een boek is inbegrepen bij het cursusmateriaal ontvangt u deze op de eerste lesdag.

Ethisch hacken leer je door het te doen. In vijf dagen wordt theorie en praktijk gecombineerd in een unieke lesopzet. Door de vele praktijkoefeningen krijgt u snel de manier van denken onder de knie die (ethical) hackers toepassen in hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden.

De cursus Ethical Hacking Practitioner is het tweede niveau van het SECO-Institute Cyber Security & Governance Certification program en is de voorloper van de opleiding Ethical Hacking Expert.

Het officiële SECO-Institute examen wordt in de les en online afgenomen en bestaat uit een theoretisch examen en een challenge. Het theoretisch examen wordt online afgenomen en bestaat uit multiple choice vragen en open vragen. De Challenge wordt tijdens de les afgenomen. Het examen zit inbegrepen bij de cursus. Na succesvolle afronding van het examen ontvangt u het diploma van het SECO-Institute, en kunt u uw S-EHP titel en digitale badge aanvragen.

  • Exameninformatie
  • Examen zit inbegrepen bij de cursusprijs
  • Taal examen: Engels
  • Type examen: online-examen (u dient dit examen zelf te reserveren)
  • Type vragen: 10 meerkeuzevragen, 5 open vragen
  • Examentijd: 120 minuten
  • Naast het theorie examen wordt op de laatste dag van deze cursus ook een praktijkexamen afgenomen in de vorm van een "Capture the flag challenge"


5 cursusdagen - 20 uur zelfstudie.


Security Academy.