Java SE8 programmer II certification track (OCP)
Certification for Java has become an important aspect for proving thorough knowledge of the Java environment. Hence the need for a good preparation to the certification exam. On the other hand, practical usage and understanding of Java is as important as remembering the method details or possible exceptions.
So, ABIS presents this certification track (part 2), preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) Java SE8 programmer. For part 1, see Java SE programmer I certification track (OCA).
In the second part, the participants will gain further knowledge about:
- advanced object oriented concepts and design patterns
- the use of auxiliary Java Classes concerning date/time, i18n, collections and I/O
- functional programming
- integrating a database connection in your Java application
- creating multithreaded applications and synchronizing your code
The OO principles will be discussed in more detail, and Java SE will be put into practice through different exercises and cases.
Public training calendar
No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.
Intended for
Developers who want to prepare for Java certification, but also programmers that want to study some more advanced Java SE topics.
Participants should have followed part 1 of the Java SE programmer I certification track (OCA) or have obtained equivalent knowledge of Java SE (see ABIS course Java programming).
Main topics
This certification track handles the following topics of Java SE.
- Details of Java SE exceptions • assertions
- Enums • Date/Time • use of internationalisation (i18n) and Resource Bundles
- Advanced OO and design patterns: coupling • cohesion • Singleton • Immutable objects • Builder • Factory
- Inner Classes: "regular" • method-local • static • anonymous
- Collections and Generics: use and overview of Collections • sorting • declaration and use of generics
- Functional Programming: Optional • built-in functional interfaces • using streams
- Multithreading: defining and using threads • thread states • synchronizing code
- Concurrency: atomic classes • concurrent Collections • Executors and ThreadPools • CyclicBarrier • Fork/Join framework • parallel streams • understanding threading problems
- I/O and NIO2: read and write from/to files • serialization • use of File(s) and Path(s) • File Attributes • new stream methods
- JDBC: connecting to a database • executing queries • PreparedStatement • CallableStatement • RowSet • Transactions
The implementation is done in a Java SE environment using Eclipse. For the part about JDBC, participants will use an Oracle database.
Training method
For this track, ABIS is using a blended learning approach. Course participants will combine e-learning and self-study with classroom instructor-led training sessions.
- the self-study/e-learning will be based on e-learning modules on the internet, combined with literature from books and course handouts, all provided by ABIS
- the classroom learning sessions are organised for assessment of knowledge, clarification of poor-understood concepts, deepening of knowledge, additional practice and labs.
All parts/modules of the certification track are well aligned, in form and contents. The provided sequence of topics is well defined and described. Instructors are available during classroom sessions, as well as for questions during self-study/e-learning. Assessment of the learned concepts will be done via different test methods.
Participants use their own PC - on which a virtual course environment is installed - for the entire blended learning track. This will allow them to use this course environment throughout any stage of this blended learning track.
For more information on the training approach used, please consult Blended learning.
7 days for classroom sessions with a typical elapsed time of 9 weeks. The start date of a course is when the course documentation and the e-learning information is sent to the participants. The first classroom session typically follows 1 to 2 weeks after the start date.
Course leader
Sandy Schillebeeckx.