Java programming

In this Java Programming course, participants

  • learn to use Java for the construction of object oriented applications;
  • learn how the different OO concepts are transformed in Java constructions;
  • get a clear insight into the (dis)advantages of Java as language, library and platform.


18 Sep5Leuven 2850 EUR (excl. VAT)
18 Sep5web based 2850 EUR (excl. VAT)
28 Nov5web based 2850 EUR (excl. VAT)
28 Nov5Woerden 2850 EUR (exempt from VAT)

Intended for

Application developers who want to learn object oriented programming in Java.


Main topics

  • Introduction: a first Java application • compiling of Java applications • running applications • standard output streams
  • Java syntax: variables and data types • arrays • Strings• type conversions (autoboxing) • operators • expressions • control flow
  • Java building blocks: packages • classes • objects • methods • initialization • constructors • method overloading • inner classes • access control
  • Java applications: program structure • Java documentation • jar files • Java beans
  • Inheritance and polymorphism: concepts • method overriding • casting • modifiers • abstract classes • interfaces • type-safe enums
  • Exception handling • catching and handling exceptions • throwing exceptions • making your own exceptions
  • Collections framework: List • Set • Map • Queue • Iterator • use of generics • Arrays and Collections
  • Utilities: date/time • formatting
  • File I/O: byte, character and object streams • command line I/O
  • Introduction to functional programming and lambda expressions • functional interfaces • stream basic

Training method

Using object orientation in the Java language is explained in the theory and illustrated with examples. Afterwards the participants can put this into practice with a lot of exercises.


5 days.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx, Gert Vanstapel.


4.3/5 (based on 34 evaluations; the most recent ones are shown below)

Good. I like the idea of first explaining the topics then doing exercises related to that and correcting it.

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Well paced, good combination of theory and exercises

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I am happy with what I achieved with this course

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Overall I am quite happy with the course.

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i like the content, and the practice is well connected to the content. Also the instructors introduce the knowledge from the very beginning which is very beginner friendly.

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Perfect for people with other OOP programming experience to on-board Java language.

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Goed! Goede verhouding tussen theorie/praktijk, ik heb in een korte tijd veel aspecten van java kunnen zien/mee oefenen, en ik voel me nu in staat om er zelf mee te gaan spelen.

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Très bien. Très bonne base avec une belle balance théorie / exercices

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Excellent training, j'ai encore appris de nouvelles choses. Le niveau des formateurs/formatrice Abis est vraiment au top !

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Stevige basiscursus!

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Fijne lessen waarbij de theorie duidelijk gemaakt wordt. Voor mij persoonlijk is alleen balans tussen theorie en oefening niet optimaal.

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prima, leuke en goede oefeninge, met prima ondersteuning.

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mooie introductie van basis begrippen

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de training was oke, alleen de laatste dag was wat moeilijk te volgen voor mij, omdat ik de snelheid nog niet heb/had om de opdrachten om te zetten in werkende code

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Goede cursus, goed opgebouwd qua structuur

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Perfecte basistraining voor JAVA

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Ik heb ontzettend veel geleerd tijdens deze cursus. Fijne afwisseling tussen theorie en praktijk maar het tempo was voor mij te snel . Ik had graag nog wat oefenningen gehad die ik na afloop van de cursus zou kunnen maken.

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De cursus is duidelijk opgezet met passende oefeningen en voorbeelden.

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Erg goed opgezet en gebracht

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Iets te kort om opdrachten echt zelf te kunnen doen

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