Java programming
In this Java Programming course, participants
- learn to use Java for the construction of object oriented applications;
- learn how the different OO concepts are transformed in Java constructions;
- get a clear insight into the (dis)advantages of Java as language, library and platform.
Public training calendar | |||||
date | dur. | lang. | location | price | |
31 Mar | 5 | Leuven | 2975 EUR (excl. VAT) | ||
31 Mar | 5 | web based | 2975 EUR (excl. VAT) | ||
26 May | 5 | web based | 2975 EUR (excl. VAT) | ||
26 May | 5 | Woerden | 2975 EUR (exempt from VAT) | ||
Intended for
Application developers who want to learn object oriented programming in Java.
- Programming experience is required (see course Programming fundamentals);
- Knowledge of OO principles (see course OO concepts and techniques) is a must. You can test yourself to see if you have enough background by filling out the on-line self-test.
Main topics
- Introduction: a first Java application • compiling of Java applications • running applications • standard output streams
- Java syntax: variables and data types • arrays • Strings• type conversions (autoboxing) • operators • expressions • control flow
- Java building blocks: packages • classes • objects • methods • initialization • constructors • method overloading • inner classes • access control
- Java applications: program structure • Java documentation • jar files • Java beans
- Inheritance and polymorphism: concepts • method overriding • casting • modifiers • abstract classes • interfaces • type-safe enums
- Exception handling • catching and handling exceptions • throwing exceptions • making your own exceptions
- Collections framework: List • Set • Map • Queue • Iterator • use of generics • Arrays and Collections
- Utilities: date/time • formatting
- File I/O: byte, character and object streams • command line I/O
- Introduction to functional programming and lambda expressions • functional interfaces • stream basic
Training method
Using object orientation in the Java language is explained in the theory and illustrated with examples. Afterwards the participants can put this into practice with a lot of exercises.
5 days.
Course leader
Sandy Schillebeeckx, Gert Vanstapel.
4.5/5 (based on 40 evaluations; the most recent ones are shown below)
Good explaination. Good amount of hands-on.
| (Ankita Singhal, ING België, ) |
The course is very well explained by the instructor and the virtual machine for practising the exercises was a very nice experience.
| (Mohitesh Sahu, ING België, ) |
I found the course very informative, our instructor Gert was very patient with the group and was clear with the explanations. I am finishing this course with a very good understanding of basic JAVA.
| (Sourabh Nair, ING België, ) |
Good. I like the idea of first explaining the topics then doing exercises related to that and correcting it.
| (Navya Alex, ) |
Well paced, good combination of theory and exercises
| (Claudia, ) |
I am happy with what I achieved with this course
| (Elena, ) |
| (Yidan, ) |
Overall I am quite happy with the course.
| (N.N., ING - Haarlerbergpark, ) |
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Goed! Goede verhouding tussen theorie/praktijk, ik heb in een korte tijd veel aspecten van java kunnen zien/mee oefenen, en ik voel me nu in staat om er zelf mee te gaan spelen.
| (Line Hojland, Rabobank Nederland, ) |
Excellent training, j'ai encore appris de nouvelles choses. Le niveau des formateurs/formatrice Abis est vraiment au top !
| (Yves, ) |
Très bien. Très bonne base avec une belle balance théorie / exercices
| (Robert Grätz, BNP Paribas Fortis, ) |
Fijne lessen waarbij de theorie duidelijk gemaakt wordt. Voor mij persoonlijk is alleen balans tussen theorie en oefening niet optimaal.
| (Theo, ) |
Stevige basiscursus!
| (Arnout, ) |
de training was oke, alleen de laatste dag was wat moeilijk te volgen voor mij, omdat ik de snelheid nog niet heb/had om de opdrachten om te zetten in werkende code
| (Astrid Fleuren, ING - Haarlerbergpark, ) |
prima, leuke en goede oefeninge, met prima ondersteuning.
| (Frank van Soelen, ) |
mooie introductie van basis begrippen
| (Mels In 't Veld, ) |
Goede cursus, goed opgebouwd qua structuur
| (Steven van Mastrigt, ING - Haarlerbergpark, ) |
| (N.N., ING - Haarlerbergpark, ) |
Ik heb ontzettend veel geleerd tijdens deze cursus. Fijne afwisseling tussen theorie en praktijk maar het tempo was voor mij te snel . Ik had graag nog wat oefenningen gehad die ik na afloop van de cursus zou kunnen maken.
| (Loraine Homminga, APG Heerlen, ) |
Perfecte basistraining voor JAVA
| (Tom Ramakers, APG Heerlen, ) |
Also interesting
Enrollees for this training also took the following courses:
- OO concepts and techniques
- Spring fundamentals
- Java SE advanced course
- Building REST APIs with Spring Boot