Parallel Sysplex concepts & facilities

Deze cursus geeft een technisch overzicht van 'Parallel Sysplex'. We beschrijven en verduidelijken de componenten van parallel sysplex en staan stil bij data sharing, installatie, IPL, parallel sysplex componenten, ...

Deelnemers vernemen:

  • de reden waarom een parallel sysplex omgeving is ontstaan;
  • de gevolgen van de introductie van parallel sysplex;
  • de betekenis van de XCF functie voor het verbinden van systemen;
  • hoe data sharing werkt;
  • hoe een sysplex omgeving beheert kan worden;
  • hoe een sysplex omgeving kan worden benut.




Publieke opleidingskalender
24 apr2Eweb based 1375 EUR (excl. BTW)


Deze opleiding richt zich tot systeemprogrammeurs, senior operatoren en technisch beheerders (en hun managers!), geïnteresseerd in het bekomen van achtergrondinformatie betreffende 'Parallel Sysplex' in een z/OS omgeving.


Vertrouwdheid met de z/OS structuren en componenten, initialisatie en werking.


  • Sysplex introduction

What is sysplex?; Not a new concept; So what's new?; 'Before' and 'after' sysplex; XCF sysplex requirements; Components of the XCF sysplex; Server Time Protocol; Clock synchronization techniques; XCF Sysplex definitions; XCF Sysplex services; The Parallel Sysplex; The Parallel Sysplex concept; Signalling and Status Monitoring services; Group services; Couple Data Sets; XES availability with SFM.

  • Data sharing

The Coupling Facility (CF); What Parallel Sysplex adds to the picture; Cross-system Extended Services (XES); Different types of multi-system data sharing; Parallel Sysplex data sharing; The PLEXCFG parameter; Program-to-Program Communication with sysplex.

  • Sysplex installation & IPL

Sysplex installation planning; Determine system names; Examples of setting system names; Determine overall sysplex configuration; The sysplex name; Couple Data Sets; The Sysplex Couple Data Set; The Parallel Sysplex Couple Data Sets; Sysplex Couple Data Set considerations; Example of the formatting utility; Output from the formatting utility; Alternate Couple Data Sets; Sysplex Couple Data Set considerations; Determine detection intervals; Determine transport classes; Transport class attributes; Determine signalling paths; LOCAL sysplex messages; Sysplex group names and members; The CFRM policy; CFRM policy definition; Planning CFRM – identification and structure size; Selecting a CF for a structure; Updating CFRM; The SFM policy; The PLEXCFG parameter; XCFPOLxx for PR/SM; 3.27 CLOCKxx.

  • Sysplex components & services

XCF Sysplex services; Signalling and Status Monitoring services; Group services; Member attributes; Member and Group Names; Member Token; Member State; User state; Permanent status recording; Member association; User routines; XCF signalling – how it works; Receiving with IXCMSGI; Cross-system Extended Services (XES); The Parallel Sysplex configuration; Configuring sysplex functions – policies; The Couple Data Sets in XES; The Coupling Facility; XES Structure Services; XES Assembler macros; Signalling Services via CF.

  • Exploiting Sysplex

Exploiting the Parallel Sysplex; Parallel Sysplex exploiters; Old functions, new techniques – system software; Old functions, new techniques – database systems; The 'real' parallel sysplex...?; Workload distribution – not a new concept; Workload distribution – exploiters; WLM and dynamic networking; VSAM Record Level Sharing (RLS); RACF and Sysplex; Sysplex wide DAE; MVS System Console Processing (MCS); Automatic Tape Switching (ATS); Global Resource Serialization (GRS); GRS Fully Connected Complex and Sysplex; GRS Star; GRS Star setup definitions; Star configuration RNL management; Sysplex related JES features; The JESXCF facility; Communication via JESXCF; VTAM exploitation; Generic Resources requirements; CICS exploitation; TSO generic resources; Batch in a Parallel Sysplex with WLM; The solution – WLM managed batch; What WMB does not do...; What WMB manages; Db2 exploitation; IMS exploitation; TSO/E and SYS1.BRODCAST.

Verloop van de cursus

Klassikale training met oefeningen.


2 dagen.


RSM Technology.