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Oracle fundamentals - mentored workshop

This labs-only mentored workshop offers participants the possibility to put recently acquired often conceptual Oracle database knowledge into practice. Specifically tailored and integrated labs enable participants to extend their theoretical knowledge using this 'hands-on' lab approach. Mentored by ABIS specialists, participants are assisted in creating an individual learning experience.




Publieke opleidingskalender

Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.

Intended for

Analysts, programmers and database administrators who are going to use the Oracle database environment, already having a basic yet mainly theoretical Oracle background.


General, theoretical/conceptual knowledge of the Oracle Database environment is required; the theoretical fundaments required to fully appreciate the Labs-Only workshop are not discussed in this workshop. Participants are assumed to have acquired this knowledge using alternate source available, for example:

  • Selftraining using standard ABIS course materials
  • Selftraining using e.g. available commercial publication, internet content, ...
  • Training using formal third party sources, eg. PluralSight, Udemy, Skillsoft, ...

ABIS technical consultants are available for offering advice as to what sources to consult prior to attending this labs-only Mentored Workshop.

Main topics

Typical workshop content

  • (1) identifying and discovering the Oracle database system
  • instance - database
  • listener
  • (2) examining the logical and physical Oracle database architecture and structures using the Oracle catalog
  • database - tablespaces - files
  • tables - indexes
  • (3) creating application driven database objects
  • tablespaces - tables - indexes
  • views - synonyms - sequences
  • (4) creating application driven procedural objects
  • stored procedures and functions
  • triggers
  • (5) adding data to objects using available Oracle utilities - export/import, Oracle Loader
  • (6) guaranteeing secure access to your database environment
  • (7) introducing SQL performance related concepts

Training method

First step: a kick-off test evaluates participant acquired knowledge; based on the test results, an individually tailored training program is suggested.

The actual training program is implemented in individual format - online - an instructor is offline available. Participants are closely mentored with required contact moments scheduled.

At the end of the workshop, the ABIS instructor will suggest follow-up knowledge gathering activities.

Participants have a private (virtual) Oracle lab environment at their disposal, made available by ABIS.


Our environment is available for 4 weeks (elapsed) - approximately 3 days will be required to complete this workshop.

Course leader