Java EE: building enterprise applications with EJB 3.x and JPA

The objective of the course is to gain practical knowledge of the use of EJB 3.x. Students will receive insights into the entire EJB architecture and the different areas of the EJB 3.x specification, including:

  • Complete exploration of all types of beans, from session beans to message-driven beans and entity beans;
  • A deep look at the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) and object-relational mapping mechanisms;
  • Enterprise services such as context dependency injection (CDI), security, transactions, interceptors and timers;
  • Application client integration;
  • Testing inside and outside the EJB container.

The Java EE architecture will be explained using comprehensive sample applications with integrated EJB components.


No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Java architects, designers and developers who wish to learn how to use the EJB 3 component model to effectively build enterprise Java applications.


A good knowledge of Java SE and a basic understanding of JDBC is a prerequisite for this course (see courses Java programming and JDBC).

Main topics

  • Java EE introduction
  • Java EE architecture • Java EE application model • Java EE platform
  • Java EE business components
  • Java Persistence Architecture (JPA)
  • Java persistency API - Entity Manager and Entities
  • Object relational mapping
  • JPA annotations: entities • relations • inheritance • collections
  • persisting objects
  • querying • criteria API
  • Session beans
  • Stateless • Stateful • Singleton
  • Message-driven beans
  • Messaging and JMS
  • MDB implementation and configuration of messaging engine
  • Services
  • (Context) Dependency injection (CDI)
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
  • Security
  • Transactions
  • Interceptors
  • Timer service
  • Design considerations

Training method

The participant will not only learn the basic theory, but will also gain hands-on experience by working on trainer-led exercises. The interactivity of this workshop is an undeniable advantage for getting a complete EJB 3.x experience.


4 days.

Course leader



Zeer goede fundamentele curses

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Grote hoeveelheid nieuwe leerstof, varwarrend naar het einde toe

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Très intéressant

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