Java applications often need to access existing or new relational databases. Although most application developers make their programs in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), having a basic knowledge on how databases are accessed from Java code is a must. This course provides the foundations on how data can be stored into and retrieved from relational databases using JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity).


No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Application developers, technical analysts and database administrators who are involved in the development of Java applications that access relational databases.


The participants of this training should have experience with Java programming (see course Java programming) and be familiar with at least basic SQL (see course SQL and relational databases fundamentals).

Main topics

  • Introduction to JDBC: history, JDBC drivers
  • Connecting to the database: DriverManager vs DataSource, connection options, closing connections
  • Structuring the application with patterns: Singleton, Factory and DAO
  • Database handling: querying, DML, DDL, calling stored procedures
  • Exception handling and transactions: working with SQLExceptions, transactions and locking
  • Overview of Java Persistence Frameworks

Training method

Classroom training: lecture and hands-on exercises. The participants will work with Java applications accessing Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL MySQL or H2 databases.


1 day.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx.