Soft skills for IT professionals

Increasingly the technical and industrial sectors are more on the look out for those experts who are also team players, capable communicators, effective negotiators,...

Some major challenges encountered are:

  • Communicating efficiently
  • Managing the technical exchange while strengthening a team feeling and establishing a satisfying work relationship
  • Daring to argue for the best solutions, while discussing in a respectful manner
  • Give a presentation, focus on the essence of one's message, while establishing a pleasant relationship with the listeners
  • Taking the lead in a negotiation through questions and answers, while directing the conversation to a desired goal
  • Giving a feedback, without hurting
  • Recognise the symptoms of potential conflicts, prevent further escalation, and return to the win-win options

We propose to you this portfolio of 5 training days of soft skills :

Day 1: Communication skills (see also Communication skills for the technical professional)

Day 2: negotiation skills

Day 3: Presentation-techniques

Day 4: Working in a team

Day 5: Dealing with potential conflicts and difficult behaviour

The above themes can be selected separately, or you can compose a package of 1,2,3,4, of 5 days, entirely according to your need. You also have the freedom to offer the modules in a row or spread in time, so as to not withdraw your co-workers too long out from their production environment.

When the proposal appeals to you, we can sit with you around the table and adapt it to your needs.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Developers, technical and functional analysts, project leaders, team leaders


No prerequisites.

Main topics

  • Communication

Optimizing verbal communication

  • Active listening
  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • Assertiveness
  • negotiation

Strengthening one's negotiation skills

  • Systematically analyse the needs of both parties
  • Fix objective criteria as a basis for the negotiation
  • Make propositions, determine where one can yield
  • Investigate a variety of options before deciding
  • Invite to constructive behaviour and long-term relations
  • Presentation techniques
  • Creating a focal point and a clear structure of argumentation
  • Making proposals and solutions attractive to the client
  • Choosing styles of communication and non-verbal language
  • Answering questions - leading the conversation
  • Effectively applying didactic aids
  • Working in team

Being an effective team-player

  • Learning to spot and manage the dynamics within a team
  • Balancing between product, procedures of collaboration and the relationships between the team members (3 P's)
  • Taking and giving space, moderating a brainstorm session
  • Composing effective teams
  • Dealing with potential conflicts and difficult behaviour

Recognise the symptoms of conflict

  • What are conflicts? How do they develop?
  • The price to pay for conflicts - prevention as the key
  • Escalating behaviour, de-escalating behaviour
  • Conflict styles and style flexibility
  • Profiles of difficult behaviour and how to deal with them

Training method

The scripts and principles of the soft skills are directly experienced through role play. Each of these is followed by an insightful de-briefing, connecting one's experience with the theory. A compact portfolio with practical scripts, completes the learning experience.


5 days.

Course leader

RITAM Training & Consulting.