OO analysis and design with UML

This 4-day course:

  • offers a thorough knowledge of UML, necessary for the set-up of re-usable software, documented by means of UML.
  • discusses a practical approach to the OOAD process as applied by diverse methods, such as Object Modelling Technique, the RUP and Agile Modelling.
  • gives the participant an insight into the use of the UML notation in several process models.
  • introduces the use of design patterns during the application development process (e.g. the GoF design patterns).


04 Nov4web based 2500 EUR (excl. VAT)
04 Nov4Leuven 2500 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

Analysts, designers, programmers, consultants and teamleaders of projects based on OO-technology.


Some familiarity with basic software engineering problems and techniques (see course OO concepts and techniques). You can test yourself to see if you have enough background by filling out the on-line self-test. Familiarity with an object oriented language is also an advantage (cf. course Java programming).

Main topics

  • OO analysis and design: an overview:
  • application structure • development process • strategies
  • overview of UML
  • Requirements analysis:
  • types of requirements • use cases
  • use case diagram • system sequence diagram
  • Analysis and design:
  • domain model versus application model
  • class diagram • object diagram • sequence diagram • collaboration/communication diagram • statechart diagram • activity diagram
  • CRC cards
  • System architecture:
  • packages and layers • reusability • concurrency • persistence
  • package diagram • component diagram • deployment diagram
  • OO and RDBMS • mapping • persistence frameworks
  • Patterns:
  • what/why?
  • concrete examples (GoF design patterns)
  • UML 2:
  • what's new?
  • what has changed (and why)?

Training method

Classroom instruction with exercises.


4 days.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx.

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