Actively coached self-study mainframe

Our coaches and trainers are available to help you and your employees acquire knowledge related to z/OS based application development during an actively coached self-study week!

  • Self study, because 'participant-led'; the participant determines the over-all pace, content, and importance of the treated topics, using specifically built course material and labs;
  • Coached self-study, because 'instructor-monitored' as well as 'participant led'. This specifically means:
  • that the instructor/coach actively monitors participant progress based on voluntary and required feedback-moments;
  • that the instructor/coach is permanently at the disposal of the participant, to guide him with questions and problems;
  • that the instructor/coach is permanently present in order to optimize knowledge transfer (motivate, stimulate and evaluate participants);
  • that the instructor/coach expects, and will stimulate, active participant participation and feedback.
  • Self-study: not individual, but in group. Different participants will be working independently on distinct topics. The group as a whole stimulates and motivates each other; reference stories can be exchanged.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Everyone likely to become a developer in an z/OS mainframe environment. Persons wanting to extend specific z/OS development skills.


No specific background is required. Some basic z/OS knowledge is however advisable.

Main topics

Actively coached self-study is possible for a number of logically related courses present in our core z/OS application development curriculum. Observe these courses are offered in an integrated track as well; or can be followed as individual, stand-alone courses.

The following courses from our z/OS and Db2 curriculum are involved:

Training method

Actively coached self-study.


depending on the chosen courses.

Course leader

an ABIS instructor.