Selenium for testers using Java Junit & Cucumber

As an integral part of agile methodology and practices, test automation became hot and unavoidable. This course will give you an excellent introduction into the world of test automation.

In a first stage the course establishes the basis by using the popular Selenium Webdriver to run Java tests with the use of Junit. Different element recognition and verification methods are explored and explained. You will be able to practice your automation capabilities and each of the methods in a prepared test environment.

In a second stage you will take the scripting to the next level by using Cucumber to run Gherkin scripts, a keyword driven language.

During the course we are not only focusing purely on technical implementation but also on common and best practices on how to set-up your test harness, how to use and reset test data and how to implement teardown.

Various exercises based on real-life examples will help you better understand the concepts and bring them into practice.

Agile automation testers have compiled this training to share their experience with users like you to get you kickstarted and avoid you make the same mistakes.

At the end of this course, the participant will:

  • have insight how a state-of-the art website is built
  • have practical experience setting up Java tests supported by Junit
  • be able to create Cucumber key-word driven scenarios
  • know how to initiate Java tests trough cucumber
  • be able to interact with a web app through Selenium Webdriver
  • know how to use different selectors to find and validate different web page elements




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

  • Persons wanting to know more on test automation with Selenium, Junit and Cucumber.
  • Technical persons wanting to know more on automation with Selenium, Junit and Cucumber


Main topics

  • Introduction
  • Automation Basics
  • Selenium
  • Training environment
  • GUI element selection + exercise
  • Parameter Input + exercise
  • Assertions using Junit + exercise
  • Cucumber
  • Data driven testing + exercise
  • Keyword driven testing + exercise
  • Test execution report
  • Connecting to a database + exercise
  • Exercises

Training method

Instructor-led classroom training with practical labs. The course offers access to a pre-configured system under test. Students should bring a laptop with local admin rights.


2 days.

Course leader