Web services development with Java EE

The use of web services offers the opportunity for integration of applications on different platforms. Java EE supports traditional web services, based on XML and SOAP, as well as RESTful services, using named resources in a URL and the HTTP and HTTPS communication protocol.

This course explains how to implement a service oriented architecture (SOA) in Java EE.

  • creating RESTful services (APIs)
  • using APIs in a browser or in a Java client
  • building classic web services, using WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
  • constructing a client that accesses the web service, based on SOAP

The main focus will be on the REST APIs. Additional aspects on error handling and security are discussed as well.




Public training calendar

No public sessions are currently scheduled. We will be pleased to set up an on-site course or to schedule an extra public session (in case of a sufficient number of candidates). Interested? Please let us know.

Intended for

Application developers who are going to implement and use web services, based on the Java EE platform.


One should be familiar with the concepts of web services (see course Distributed applications: APIs and web services). Moreover, a thorough knowledge of Java (see course Java programming) and basic knowledge of XML (see course XML concepts) is required.

Main topics

  • Concepts of web services
  • Distributed Applications
  • SOAP and WSDL
  • RESTful services
  • Java Web Services Basics
  • Java Web Services APIs and Frameworks: JAX-RS and JAX-WS implementations
  • Setting up a JAX-RS/JAX-WS application with Maven
  • Testing with SoapUI
  • Processing XML/JSON in Java
  • XML and/vs. JSON
  • Overview of JAXP and JAXB for handling XML and JSON
  • The REST Architectural Style
  • Creating REST APIs with JAX-RS
  • Defining RESTful resources
  • JAX-RS annotations: HTTP methods, request parameters, providers,...
  • Data binding in JAX-RS
  • Creating Java REST clients
  • Calling the API methods: get/post/put/delete
  • REST Exception Handling
  • HTTP status codes
  • Response class
  • Exception Handling in API and client with WebApplicationException and ExceptionMapper
  • Securing REST APIs
  • Creating Classic Soap Services with JAX-WS
  • Creating a JAX-WS web service using annotations
  • Access a web service from a Java component, using SOAP
  • JAX-WS Exception Handling

Training method

Classroom instruction with exercises, using a Java EE IDE (e.g. Eclipse) and a Java EE runtime.


3 days.

Course leader

Sandy Schillebeeckx.